See You In Hell

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Bela enter her hotel room then turned to close the door behind her when Dean pushes her back against the door. He lays his arm across her throat and I point my gun at her face. "Where's the Colt?" Dean asked her. "Dean. (Y/n). She replied, calmly. "No extra words." I growled. "It's long gone, across the world by now." She replied. "You're lying." Dean said and he grabs her bag from her hand to look in it.

"I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi?" she asked just as I grab her arm, pulling her against me. "What the hell are you..." she started to ask as I quickly frisks her and found her gun. And I hold it up to her. "Don't flatter yourself." I said as Dean snaps on the room's lights and I point my gun at her again.

"Don't move." I threatened as Dean begins searching the room. "I told you I don't have it." she said. "Oh, yeah, we're definitely gonna take your word for it." Dean said and turns his back and continues rifling through her draws. Bela tries to slink away but I cock my gun and aim the barrel of the gun closer to her head.

"Don't move." I growled. "It's gone. Get on a plane if you two must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually." Bela said as Dean finishes searching then returns to my side.

"Are you going to kill me?" she asked me. "Oh, yeah." I said. "You're not the cold-blooded type." Bela said. "You mean like you? That's true. See, I couldn't imagine killing my parents." Dean said and Bela seemed shocked that we knew but she tried to regroup from the shock.

"I don't know what you're talking..." she started to say but I shook my head. "Yes, you do. You were, what, 14? Folks died in some shady car accident. Police suspected a slashed brake line, but it was all too crispy to tell. Cut to little Bela...Oh, I'm sorry, Abby...inheriting millions." I sneered and her eyes widen again.

"How did you even..."

"Doesn't matter." Dean interrupts her. Bela stares at us for a few moments then she swallows as she gives a small smile. "They were lovely people. And I killed them. And I got rich. I can't be bothered to give a damn. Just like I don't care what happens to you, Dean." she said and I push her roughly against the door with my arm across her throat.

"You make me sick." I sneered at her. "Likewise." she spat at me and I felt her hand go into my pocket. I take a step back and again points my gun at her head, smirking. She stares back, then closes her eyes. I started to place my finger on the trigger when Dean places a hand on my shoulder. I look over at him and he nods towards the upper doorframe.

I look up and see some woven herbs hanging over the ledge. I stare at the herb then at Dean before he nods. Bela opens her eyes as I drop the gun. "You're not worth it." Dean said and I push her aside and we leave. 

"Guys." Sam said after he called us on my phone, which was on speaker. "Yeah." We replied. "Did you get the Colt?" Sam asked. "What do you think?" I said, annoyed. "So, does that mean Bela is, uh..." Sam started to ask but Dean speaks up. "No, no, she deserves to die a dozen times over, but I couldn't let (y/n) do it."

"Dean..." Sam said, worried. "I'm really screwed, Sammy." Dean said. "No, you're just..." Sam said but I speak up.. But you were right. Bela was a goose chase." I said. "The Colt's gone, and this time I'm really screwed, Sam." Dean added.

"Maybe not. Look, guys, I found Benton's cabin." Sam said. "You okay? Was he there?" I asked him. "Yeah." replied Sam. "Did you kill him?" Dean asked. "No." Sam replied. "What do you mean, no?" Dean asked, annoyed. 'Dean, please just listen for a second. I found his lab book, and it has the formula." Dam said.

"What, the live-forever formula?" I asked him. "Yeah." Sam said. "Great, let me guess. I got to drink blood out of a baby's skull?" Dean asked. "No, that's the thing. It's not black magic. There's no blood sacrifice or anything. It's just science, Dean. Very, very extremely weird science, but..." Sam said but Dean speaks up. 

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