Dirk, The Jerk

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Present Day

That night, the boys and I were standing at Barry's grave after we had dug up his coffin. Sam puts in the salt, I poured out the fuel and Dean throws in the lighted match. "So long, Barry Cook." Dean said and I frown as Barry's corpse was engulfed in flames and I couldn't help but feel awful for him.

Later, we were in the Impala, Dean driving, Sam in the backseat and I was in the passenger seat, and I leaned against the window, looking out at the dark woods. "You two all right?" Dean asked us but I don't respond, still feeling like utter crap.

"Barry was mine and (y/n)'s friend. We just burned his bones." Sam said, gloomy. "Well, he's at peace now, guys." Dean assured us and I felt his hand pat my leg, comforting. "If Dad and John had let us stay just a little while longer, maybe we could have helped the kid, you know?" I said, sadly.

"You read the coroner's report same as me. Barry was on every anxiety drug and antidepressant known to man. School was hell for that kid. His parents had split up. He just wanted out. It was tragic, but it's not yours or Sam's fault. To tell you the truth, I'm glad we got out of that town. I hated that school." Dean said. "It wasn't all bad." Sam said. "Yeah, probably one of the best schools I've been to." I said as I look over at Dean.

"How can you say that after what happened to you two?" Dean asked us and I start to remember that day.


Sam, Dean and I were sitting on the small bleachers by the school. Dean had found out about our fight with Dirk and he was not happy as he paced across from us. "That kid's dead." Dean growls. "Dean." I said, in a soft exasperated voice, but he ignores me.

"I'm gonna rip his lungs out!" Dean yells. "It's not a big deal." Sam said. "Not a big deal? Sammy, look at yourself. If Dad was here --" Dean said, angrily. "He's not." Sam said. "Well, I am! And as soon I'm finished with that dick --" Dean growls, angrily, and I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Shut up, okay?! We don't need your help." Sam said as he gestures between me and him and Dean stops his pacing and stands in front of him. "That's right, you don't. You two could have torn him apart. So why didn't you?" Dean asked us. "Because I don't want to be the freak for once, Dean. I want to be normal." Sam said. "Me too." I said.

"So taking a beating -- that's normal?" Dean asked, annoyed. "It's better than being seen as the weirdo." I muttered and Dean gives me an unimpressed look. But before he could say anything, Sam changes the subject.

"Any word from Dad? Or Mr (l/n)?" Sam asked. "Dad called this morning, said he's going to be another week at least. We weren’t supposed to be here this long." Dean said, sounding a bit annoyed and impatient, and I look down. "At least you've got Amanda. She’s cool." Sam said and I felt the sick feeling again once hearing her name. "Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents." Dean said and that feeling started to leave. Dean sounded annoyed by this and for some reason this made me feel a bit better.

Later, class was dismissed and Sam and I start to leave with the rest of the class until Mr Wyatt calls out to us. "Mr. Winchester, Miss (l/n) can I talk to you two?" he asked and Sam and I share a look then goes over to Mr Wyatt's desk, Barry walks up behind us.

"Um...I'll wait for you outside." Barry said and he walks out of the classroom. "Look, if this is about the fight, we didn't start it." Sam said to Mr Wyatt. "Oh, no, it's not about the fight, kids. You know this assignment was nonfiction, right?" He asked us. "Yes, Mr. Wyatt." Sam and I said after we share a look.

"So you and your family killed a werewolf last summer? And, (y/n), you and your dad killed a vampire couple of years ago? Why would you two write something like this?" Mr Wyatt asked us and I shrug. "It doesn't matter." I said and Sam nods. "Yeah...as soon as my Dad and her Dad get back, we're leaving, so you can flunk me if you want to." Sam said and I nod. "Yeah, me too." I said and Mr Wyatt shakes his head.

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