I'm Not The Man

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Alastair holds Dean up by his shirt collar and punches him repeatedly, then drops him and picks him up by the throat and shoves him up against the hexacle, lifting his feet off the floor. "You got a lot to learn, boy. So I'll see you back in class bright and early Monday morning." Alastair said but he turns around to see Castiel holding Ruby's knife.

Alastair drops Dean, who doesn't move, to focus on Castiel before he stabs Alastair in the shoulder. The injury sparks gold light, but not as much as when it kills. "Well, almost. Looks like God is on my side today." Alastair said and Castiel lifts a hand, making the knife twists itself. Alastair grunts in pain and pulls out the knife, then tosses it away and charges Castiel.

They throw blows at each other for a few moments before Alastair slams Castiel against the wall, choking him. "Well, like roaches, you celestials. Now, I really wish I knew how to kill you. But all I can do is send you back to heaven." Alastair said then he chants in Latin, blue light appears in Castiel's eyes and mouth.

Suddenly, Alastair stops as he is thrown off to the side, letting Castiel go. (Y/n) walks in as she glares at Alastair while Castiel slumps to the ground. Alastair starts to get up on his knees then laughs once he looks over at (y/n). "Getting better there, girlie. But you really think you can fight me, alone?" He asked but then he, abruptly, chokes then is slammed against the wall.

"She's not alone." Sam growls as he walks up beside her, one hand raised. "Stupid pet tricks." Alastair said and (y/n) looks over and sees Dean laying on the ground. Fear and concern wash over her as she runs over to Dean then kneels down to him.

"Who's murdering the angels? How are they doing it?" Sam asked Alastair. "You think I'm gonna tell you?" Alastair asked. "Yeah, I do." Sam mutters then he twists his hand and Alastair's eyes roll white and he chokes.

"How are the demons killing angels?" Sam asked him. "I don't know." Alastair said. "Right." Sam scoffs and (y/n) looks up at this as she craddles Dean in her arms. "It's not us. We're not doing it." Alastair replied. "I don't believe you." Sam growls.

"Lilith is not behind this. She wouldn't kill seven angels. Oh, she'd kill a hundred, a thousand." Alastair admits and Sam stops. "Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can." Alastair said and Sam glares at him. "I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill." Sam said and he holds out his hand. Gold light flares inside Alastair as he screams, (y/n) gasps at this and is shock when Alastair's host collapses, dead.

Sam glares at the body then he and (y/n) share a look. (Y/n) had no idea how to feel about the horrible act committed before her. It utterly terrified her, that Sam has become so powerful that he can kill a demon by a wave of his hand. No one should have that kind of power. 

But at the same time she was conflicted. She also felt joy in seeing Alastair suffer excruciating pain before dropping dead. He deserve it after all. He was a demon, but not just any demon.

He was the bastard that tortured Dean in hell for 30 years before he couldn’t take it any long and picked up the torturing for him. He cause Dean so much pain that he’ll never be himself again. Now that he’s dead, he can at least rest a little easier.

Alastair deserved a painful death. But at the same time, does anyone, even a demon, deserved a death as horrible as that?

Hours later, Dean was in a hospital bed, heavily bandaged with a breathing tube and an IV drip, with Sam and (y/n) sitting next to him. Castiel appears at the doorway, pauses, and continues down the hallway. (y/n) follows him out of the room.

"(Y/n)—" Castiel starts to say but (y/n) stands in front of him. "Get in there and heal him. Miracle. Now." She demanded, angrily. "I can't." Castiel said. "You and Uriel put him in there—" (y/n) yelled at him. "No." Castiel said, shaking his head, but (y/n) continues to yell. "—because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together."

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