99 Problems

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*(y/n)'s POV*

"Drive faster, Dean." Sam shouts at him as we scream down the road. "I can’t! Are you okay?" Dean asked Sam, nodding to his wound on his shoulder. "Yeah, I’m amazing." Sam said as I lean forward from the backseat and place a rag over his shoulder, to help stop the bleeding.

"You ever seen that many?" asked Dean. "No." Sam replied. "No way, not in one place." I said. "What the hell?" Dean asked, annoyed, then we came up to a large vehicle that was on fire in the middle of the road and Dean stops the car. "Damn it!" Dean shouts and he backs up.

At that moment, Demons came out, smashed the windows of the car and try to drag the three of us out of the car. We do our best to fight them when, suddenly, water was sprayed on us and the demons let us go, screaming in pain.

"The hell?" I asked as I look out and see a group of people standing by a truck with a firehose and a man on top, holding a bullhorn to his mouth. He started to recite the exorcism and all of the demons scream and we exorcized out of their hosts' bodies.

"Well that’s something you don’t see every day." Dean said as we get out of the car and the man walks up to us. "You three alright?" He asked us as we stare around in shock. "Peachy." I said. "Be careful. It’s…dangerous around here." The guy said and he turns to walk.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait." Dean said and the man turns back. "No need to thank us." He said, smiling. "No, hold up a sec! Who are you?" Dean asked him. "We’re the Sacrament Lutheran Militia." The man replied. "I’m sorry—the what?" I asked. "I hate to tell you this, but those were demons and this is the Apocalypse. So…buckle up." He said and the boys and I share a look. How the hell do these guys know about demons and the Apocalypse?

Minutes later, Dean opens the trunk of the Impala to the guy, Rob, and his partners then showed our weapons. Rob looks at this, impressed. "Looks like we’re in the same line of business." Sam said. "And among colleagues. That’s a police-issued shotgun. That truck is, uh…inspired." Dean said, gesturing at the truck and the group of men that saved us

"Where’d you guys pick up all this crap?" I asked our saviors. "You know you pick things up along the way." One of the men, Paul, said. "Guys, come on. This whole corner of the state is nuts with demon omens. We just want to help. That’s all." Dean tells them. "We’re on the same team here. Just talk to us." Sam said and the guys give each other some looks before they look back at us. "Follow us." Rob tells us.

Rob and his group lead his to this small town, with a church that had guards and barriers around it. We get out and walk towards the church when I noticed the devil's trap symbol painted on the ground, in front of the entrance barrier. 

We walked inside to see several people inside and a pastor at the other side of the church, with a couple standing before him. "Who would have thought the Apocalypse could be so romantic? Marriage, family—it’s a blessing. Especially in times like this. So hold on to that." The pastor said while I noticed all of the people in the pew were holding rifles.

"Wedding? Seriously?" Sam asked, scoffing. "Yeah. We’ve had eight so far this week." Paul replied and the boys and I share confused looks amongst each other. 

"Congratulations! Yay!" Some of the churchgoers shouted to the newly wedded couple as they walk out of the church. We stood there outside of the church, watching the people, when the Pastor comes up to us. "So Rob tells me you three hunt demons." He said. "Uh…yes sir." I said and Dean nods. "You missed a few." The pastor teased as I noticed he had a gun holster wrapped around his right leg.

"Yeah. Tell us about it. Any idea why they’re here?" Sam asked him and the Pastor shakes his head. "They sure seem to like us, though. Follow me, gentlemen and lady." He said and he heads inside the church.

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