The Magnificent Seven

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One Week Later

One week.

It had been one week since Hell's gate was opened.

It had been one week since alot of demons had been let out.

One week since I died but came back to life hours later, thanks to Dean.

One week of silence, no signs of any demonic activity.

And how are we spending that time? 

Well, Sam's downstairs, at my safehouse, pouring over a book, trying to find any way to get Dean out of his demon deal while Dean and I were upstairs....having alittle fun of our own.

We were making out, furiously, as we were running our hands all over each other's body, laying on the bed. Then Dean removes my shirt and started to kiss my chest, then his lips move from my chest up to my collarbone then to my neck. I let out a small moan and I hear him let out a chuckle.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked him. "Yes." He said and I chuckle and he looks me in the eyes. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." Dean said and I smiled. "I think I have some idea." I said, smiling, and he chuckles then he leans in and kisses me, roughly and passionately.

After removing the rest of our clothing, he hovers over me as we let our eyes roam over each other's body and I run my hand over his chest. "You sure you want this?" Dean asked me and I smirk at this. "Show me what you got, Winchester." I said and he smirks and kisses me as he slides inside of me.

Immediately, I knew that this felt different than any of the other times I've been with a man. I don't know why this feels different, it just does. And honestly, I don't care as this feels amazing and I lose myself in the moment.

And apparently, Dean and I got so lost in the moment of making each other feel so good, we didn't hear Sam knocking on the door, open it and, poor him, got an eyeful and he shut the door, quickly, while Dean and I continued the ol' devil's tango.

Later, when we finished, we were in the Impala; Dean driving like a maniac as he speeds down the pavement. "Let me see your knife." Sam said to Dean. "What for?" Dean asked him. "So I can gouge my eyes out." Sam said as I shake my head and run my hands over my eyes.

"It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam." Dean said then he looks at me through the rearview mirror. "Ain't the right, sweetheart?" He asked me and I give an embarrassed scoff at this. "It's a part of you and a part of (y/n) I never wanted to see, Dean." Sam said while Dean chuckles and slaps Sam on the thigh. 

"I'm sorry, Sammy. We'll remeber to lock the door next time." I said. "But we appreciate you giving us a little quality time." Dean said to him. "Yeah, no problem." Sam mutters, quietly, and Dean gives him a look.

"Really? Well, I got to say, I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll, something." Dean said. "No, not at all. You two deserve to have a little fun. I mean, it's about time you guys got together. Now you guys can stop giving goo-goo eyes at each other." Sam said and we look over at him, shocked. "Well, I am in violent agreement with you there." Dean said and he chuckles while I shake my head.

"Anyway...What's Bobby got?" I asked Sam, changing the subject. "Not much. A crop failure and a cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Ahh, could be demonic omens..." Sam said, shrugging. "Or could just be a bad crop and a bug problem." Dean said. "Yeah, but it's our only lead." Sam said.

"Any freaky deaths?" I asked him. "Nothing Bobby could find – not yet, anyway." Sam replied and I sighed. "It's weird, guys. I mean, the night the devil's gate opened, all these weirdo storm clouds were sighted over how many cities?" I said as I look over at Sam.

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