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Dean and I were walking back to the car, when we noticed Ben and Peyton sitting, sadly, on a park bench. I look over at Dean and give him a concern look, he nods and we head over to the bench and sit next to the kids.

"Hey, kiddos." Dean said to them. "Hey, you two are my dad's friend!" Peyton said. "And you guys were at my party." Ben said. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm Dean and this is (y/n)." Dean said to them. "Everything okay? Something wrong?" I asked the kids then I noticed that Ben is holding an empty case.

Dean and I look out at the field and see a group of four boys playing with a handle video game. "Is that your game they're playing with?" I asked Ben. "Ryan Humphrey borrowed it, and now he won't give it back." Peyton replied.

"Well, you want me to go—" Dean started to say but Ben turns to him. "No! Don't go over there! Only bitches send a grown-up." Ben said, quickly, and Dean shrugs. "You're not wrong." He said. "And I am not a bitch." Ben said, pouting. Dean looks out the boys and pointed at the bigger boy.

"Is that Humphrey? The one that needs to lay off the burgers?" Dean asked and Ben nods, smiling slightly, while Peyton giggles and covers her mouth. Dean hums at this and I look at him, curiously. "Dean, what are you thinking?" I asked him.

Later, Ben walks across the park to the group of boys, who are all bigger than him. He clears his throat loudly and looks back at us, and Dean gives him a thumb’s up.

Ben clears his throat again. "Ryan." Ben said and the kids look up. "I'd like my game back, please." Ben said to the bigger boy. "Fine. Take it back." Ryan said to Ben, threateningly, and the other boys laugh.
Ben looks nervously at the other kids, sighs, then turns as if to leave. "See? Told you guys he was a—" Ryan said then he was cut off as Ben turns back, suddenly, and kicks Ryan hard between the legs.

Ryan crumples to the ground, and Ben takes the game back. Peyton gasped and placed a hand over her mouth while Dean and I look around, smirking. Ben runs back to us, smiling. "Dude, that was awesome!" Ben said as he high-fives Dean then me.

"Benjamin. Isaac. Braeden!" A voice said and we look over and see Lisa and Elijah coming towards us. "What's gotten into you?" Lisa asked Ben. "He stole my game." Ben said a she points at the kid. "So you kick him? Since when is—" Lisa started to say but breaks off, looking at me and Dean.

"Did you two tell my son to beat up that kid?" She asked us, angrily. "What? Somebody had to teach him how to kick the bully in the nads." Dean said. "Who asked you to teach him anything?" Lisa asked him, spiteful. "Just relax." I said to her, calmly.

"What are you even still doing here, Dean? We had one weekend together a million years ago. You don't know me. And you have no business with my son." Lisa growled then she turns to me and glares daggers at me. 

"Lisa, c'mon, they were just helping...." Elijah said to her and she turns her head, sharply. "You're seriously sticking up for them?!" She asked. "Well, they're right about one thing: Ben does need to stand up for himself." Elijah said and Lisa stares at him, disbelief, before she scoffs. "Would you teach Peyton this behavior?!" She asked him. "Only to defend herself." Elijah said and Lisa scoffs again.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing!" She growls and she stalks over to Ben and grabs him to walk off with him. "Lisa." Dean said and Lisa turns to him. "Just leave us alone." She yells at him and they begin to leave, but Ben pulls out of her grip and runs back to give Dean an impulsive hug.

"Ben!" Lisa yells as Ben hugs Dean. "Thanks." He said to Dean and I give a fond smile at this. Then Ben turns to me and hugs me too, I hug back and pat his head before he runs back to Lisa and they leave. "I'll talk to her." Elijah said to us and he grabs Peyton's hand and the two follow Lisa and Ben.

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