Jus in Bello

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Sam and I rush into the bedroom then Dean follows and shuts the door. We began to search the room, Dean checks the drawers, Sam checks the safe and I check the closet. "Any sign of it?" Dean asked us. "Nothing." Sam said as I shake my head. "Are you sure this is Bela's room?" I asked him then he holds up two wigs and shows them to us. "I'd say so." Dean said.

Suddenly the phone rings and the three of us share a look. Dean walks to the phone and looks at Sam who shakes his head. Dean picks up the phone and answers it cautiously there was a pause and Dean's face, harden. "Where are you?" He asked and I knew that it had to be Bela.

"Where?" he asked, angrily. "I want it back, Bela…now." He growls and Sam and I  share a glance before watching Dean again. "You understand how many people are gonna die if you do this? Take the only weapon we have against an army of demons and sell it to the highest bidder." he said. "I know I'm gonna stop you." He mutters then he smirks a bit. "Oh, I'll find you, sweetheart. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down." He said but then he gives me and Sam a look of worry.

Suddenly police officers burst into the room and point guns at us, we raise our hands above our heads. "Hands in the air! Down on your knees." The officers orders us and I roll my eyes at this. "That bitch!" I growled. "Turn around! Now!" One of the officers ordered before they force us to lie down on the floor.

"Sam and Dean Winchester and (y/n) (l/n), you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a Lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense." The officer said as we saw feet coming at us. We look up to see an FBI Agent standing over us with a smirk.

This had to be Henriksen the FBI agent that had been chasing after us and who I was able to avoid until now.

"Hi guys…It's been a while." he said to the boys then he looks at me. "And the elusive (y/n). Not as good as you thought." He said then the boys and I share a look before Dean closes his eyes and lays his head on the floor.

Shackled together, Dean, Sam and I were lead into the police station, two officers were standing by as our guards. We enter the main room and see Henriksen, the Sheriff and the secretary. "Why all the sourpusses?" Dean asked, in a joking manner, before he smiles. I look at the name plate on the secretary's desk, which reads NANCY FITZGERALD, Secretary. She looked at us, afraid, before she grabs her rosary. "I'll show you to the cells." One of the officers said and he grabs Dean's arm.

"Hey! Hey! Watch the merchandise!" Dean yells as I noticed Nancy was watching us, scared. 'We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy." I tell her just as we were lead to the cell. 

Moments later, we were brought to the cell and the police left us alone. Dean heads for the bed and Sam to the door which then started to pull my legs as I was chained in the middle, Dean on my left and Sam on my right. They both almost fall because of the chain and I yelped in pain from the pull of the chains on my legs.

"Boys, come on!" I growled, annoyed. "All right, all right." Dean said then he gets up and looks at the bed behind us. "Sit?" he asked us after Sam gets up. "Yeah." Sam and I said and we awkwardly sit on the bed. "How we gonna Houdini out of this one?" Dean asked us. "Good question." Sam said as I look around the cell, like this place could provide an answer.

Later, we hear footsteps and see that Henriksen had walked up to the cell and stares at us. "You know what I'm trying to decide?" he asked us and Sam turns away from him and Dean rolls his eyes. "I don't know. What? Whether Cialis will help you with your little condition?" I asked, snarkily, and Dean chuckles a bit.

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