Four Rings From The Horsemen

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Later, Dean makes it down to the kitchens and open the freezer door. "Come on everybody! Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. Alright, alright, go, go, go! Get outta here!" Dean shouts at them and he leads the people out of place.

The guests run out in the parking lot and into their respective cars and leave. Dean sighs and start to turn back but then they hear something. "Psst! Dean!" A voice said and Dean turns to see Gabriel sitting in the backseat of the Impala, the window rolled down.

"Don't look at me! Act natural. Get in." Gabriel said and Dean quits looking at him and gets into the Impala. "Man, there is nothing natural about this at all. I thought you were dead." Dean said. "You think I'd give Kali my real sword? That thing can kill me!" Gabriel exclaimed.

"Then what do they have in there?" Dean asked him. "A fake! Made it out of a can of diet orange Slice. So, uh, go snag our blood, would ya?" Gabriel asked. "What?" Dean asked. "I heard you in there. Kali likes you. You can get close. Lift the plasma, then we vamoose." Gabriel said. "No. Hand over the real blade. Better yet, why don't you sack up and help us take down Lucifer." Dean said and Gabriel looked at him like he was crazy.

"You can't be serious?" Gabriel asked. "Deadly." Dean said, firmly. "Since when are you butt buddies with a bunch of monsters? That's all they are to you, aren't they?" Gabriel asked. "Alright, you know, Sam was right. It's nuts, but it's the best idea we've heard, so unless you have a better one?" Dean said. "Well, good luck with that. Me? I'm blowing Jonestown. Those lemmings wanna run off a cliff, that's their business." Gabriel said.

"I see right through you, you know that? The smart-ass shell, the whole I could give a crap thing? Believe me, it takes one to know one." Dean said to Gabriel and the archangel narrows his eyes at him. "That so?" He asked. "Yes. And maybe those freaks in there aren't your blood but they are your family." Dean said.

"They just stabbed me in the friggen heart!" Gabriel exclaimed, indignant. "Maybe, but you still give a crap about 'em, don't you?" Dean asked and Gabriel sighs. "Dean." He said. "Now they're gonna die in there, without you." Dean said to him. "I can't kill my brother." Gabriel said. "Can't or won't?" Dean asked but Gabriel doesn't answer as he looks down. "That's what I thought." Dean said before he leaves the Impala.

"So you're going to summon Lucifer." Kali said, questioning, to Sam. "Sort of. I just need you to squeegee some stuff from my ribs and he'll come running." Sam said. "Breaking them would be easier." Kali said while (y/n) gives Sam a worried look. "You sure about this, Sam?" She asked. "It's the only way." Sam said just as Dean comes in.

"Show's over. Sword's a fake, and Gabriel, he's still kicking. I hate to break it to you, sister, but you've been tricked." Dean said to Kali.

Then the lights in the Grand Ballroom begin to flicker. "What's happening?" Baldur asked as they all look around. "It's him." Sam whispers. "How?" Kali asked, confused. "Does it matter? Shazzam us outta here, would ya?" (Y/n) asked her. "We can't." Baldur said and the door opens again and they all turn to see the new guest, who was covered in blood. "Of course you can't. You didn't say mother, may I?" Lucifer said, smiling,

Meanwhile, Ariel was laying down on the bed but noticed that the lights started to flicker. "Oh no." She said as she sits up, quickly. "He's here." Gabriel said to Ariel as he appears in the room.

"We need to get them out now." Ariel said to him. "Correction, you are gonna get them out." He said and Ariel furrows her brow. "Wait, what are you talking about?" She asked. "I'm gonna buy you some time to get those muttonheads out of here." Gabriel said and Ariel shakes her head. "No, you're coming with us." She said. "Someone's gotta keep him distracted." Gabriel said. 

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