Phantom Traveler

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Ugh...five more minutes....I thought as I turn in my bed. But my phone kept going off. "Fine..." I groaned then I turn over and grab the phone and answered it. "Hello?" I answered, trying to not sound annoyed. "(Y/n), it's, uh, it's Jerry Panowski. You and your dad helped me out a few years back." Jerry said and I started to feel more awake.

"Oh, right, yeah. Up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing. It's not back, is it?" I asked him, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "No. No. Thank God, no. But it's something else, and...uh, I think it could be a lot worse." Jerry said and I furrow my eyes. "What is it?" I asked him. There was a pause before he replies to me. "Can we talk in person?" He asked me.

After Jerry and I talked, I hang up the phone and go to the boys hotel room, which was next to mine. I knocked and Dean answers. "Oh, didn't expect you to be awake at this time of day." I said to him. " boy, here, woke me up and brought breakfast." Dean said and I looked inside and see Sam sitting on a chair, across from one of the bed.

"Everything okay, Sam?" I asked him. "Yeah...yeah...everything's fine." He said to me but I could feel some sort of tension between the boys. Obviously, they just had an argument so I sigh and continue on. "Anyway...I came here because I got us a job." I said and the boys look up at me.

"Thanks for making the trip so quick. I ought to be doing you guys a favor, not the other way around. (Y/n) and her dad really helped me out." Jerry said to the boys as we walked along the hallway. "Yeah, she told us. It was a poltergeist?" Sam asked him as a random guy pops up. "Poltergeist? Man, I loved that movie." The guy exclaims. "Hey, nobody's talking to you. Keep walking." Jerry ordered the guy and he runs off.

Once he was gone, Jerry turns to us. "Damn right it was a poltergeist, practically tore our house apart." He said to the boys then turns to me. "Tell you something, if it wasn't for you and your dad, I probably wouldn't be alive." He said to me and I nodded while Iook to my side and see Dean giving me an impressed look.

I blushed at this as Jerry continues. "I tried calling your dad but it said his number is no longer in use. Is he okay?" He asked. "He, uh, he passed away last year." I said and Jerry's eyes widen. "Oh God! I'm...I'm so sorry. What got him?" Jerry asked. "Cancer, of all things." I said and Jerry looks at me shocked. "Oh crap. I'm so sorry." Jerry said and I nod at him. "It's okay. But I've got the Winchester brothers here. They're great at this type of job as well." I said. "Alright, well...I got something I want you guys to hear." Jerry said.

"I listened to this. And, well, it sounded like it was up your alley." Jerry said as he puts a CD in a drive. "Normally I wouldn't have access to this. It's the cockpit voice recorder for United Britannia flight 2485. It was one of ours." Jerry said and he pushes the play button.

Mayday! Mayday! Repeat! This is United Britania 2485—immediate instruction help! United Britanis 2485, I copy your message—May be experiencing some mechanical failure...

Then there was a loud whooshing sound after it. "Took off from here, crashed about two hundred miles south. Now, they're saying mechanical failure. Cabin depressurized somehow. Nobody knows why. Over a hundred people on board. Only seven got out alive. Pilot was one. His name is Chuck Lambert. He's a good friend of mine. Chuck is, uh...well, he's pretty broken up about it. Like it was his fault." Jerry explains.

"You don't think it was?" Sam asked. "No, I don't." Jerry said. "Jerry, we're gonna need passenger manifests, um, a list of survivors." Sam said and Jerry nods. "All right." He said. "And, uh, any way we can take a look at the wreckage?" Dean asked him. "The other stuff is no problem. But the wreckage...guys, the NTSB has it locked down in an evidence warehouse. No way I've got that kind of clearance." Jerry said and I frown. "No problem." I said to him.

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