Human's Are The Best Hunt

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"Hey, Officer? Look, we didn’t mean to press our luck." Dean said to Kathleen as we walk back to her cop car, the three of us holding a cup of coffee. "Both of your lucks are so pressed." She informed us. "Right. Look, we were wondering—why are you helping us out, anyway? Why don’t you just lock both of us up?" I asked her. "My brother, Riley, disappeared three years ago. A lot like Sam. We searched for him, but—nothing. I know what it’s like to feel responsible for someone, and for them—" she replied then she sighs then looks back at us.

"Come on. Let’s keep at it." She said as she gets in the car and Dean and I followed her.

Later, we were driving by a forest when Dean said. "Wait, wait, wait—pull over here. Pull over." Kayhleen pulls over and we get out of the car and walk towards the forest. "It’s the first turn-off I’ve seen so far." Dean said and I look at him, impressed. "Good eye." I complimented him.

"You two stay here, I’ll check it out." Kathleen said as she starts to walk down the turn-off. "No way." Dean and I said. "Hey." She said, firmly, and we stop walking. "Both of you are civilians. And felons, I think. I’m not taking you two with me." She said. "You’re not goin’ without us." I said and she sighs. "Alright. You two promise you won’t get involved? You’ll let me handle it?" She asked and Dean and I nod. "Promise." We said. "Shake on it." She said and she extends her hand. Dean shakes it just as she places a set of handcuffs on Dean’s arm.

"Oh, come on." Dean said, exasperated, as I said. "Hey!" Then she quickly cuffs me with another set of cuffs. Then she handcuffs Dean to the driver's side door handle and me to the back door handle. "This is ridiculous. Kathleen, I really think you’re gonna need our help." Dean said as she walks away. "I’ll manage. Thank you." She said and she locks the door and walks away.

"I gotta start carrying paper clips." Dean mutters as I start to dig into my jacket pockets. "Well, lucky for you, I'm a girl and I usually carry a hairpin with me." I said as I dig around the pockets. "Wait, seriously?" Dean asked. "Yeah....let's just say this isn't the first time where I've been handcuffed." I said to him. "Oh really?" He asked, intrigued, and I see him look at me over his shoulder. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Dean. It wasn't like that. Ah! There it is!" I said as I pull the hairpin out of my pants pocket and started to unlock my cuff.

"I was captured by a demon that dad and I were hunting. And needless to say, dad saved my ass and then basically beat it in my head to carry a hairpin or paperclips. For emergencies." I explained and I was able to un-cuff myself just as we hear the screech of a pickup truck. "Oh, son of a bitch." Dean mutters as I go over to him and start to unlock his handcuff.

Finally, I get his cuff unlocked and we run away from the car and head off into the turn-off. As we walked around the property, we could see lots of abandoned cars and noticed their plates were from different parts of America. Then we noticed a barn behind a house and we head inside.

We enter the barn and observe it in disgust as there were cages. Then we see Sam in a cage and I gasped. "Sam?" Dean and I said and Sam smiles at us. "Are you hurt?" I asked him as we run up to his cage. "No." Sam said and Dean and I smiled at him.

"Damn, it’s good to see you." Dean said, relieved. "How did you two get out of the cuffs?" Kathleen's voice asked. We turn around and see her in another cage. "Oh, we know a trick or two." I said and she stares at us, confused. "Alright." Dean mutters and we move to the door of the cage and see the locks, which were basically automatic types. "Oh, these locks look like they’re gonna be a bitch." Dean grumbles.

"Well, there’s some kind of automatic control right there." Sam said as he points over our shoulder and I look to see a control panel. "Have you seen ‘em?" I asked Sam. "Yeah. Guys, they’re just people." Sam said as we go over to the control panel. "And they jumped you? Must be gettin’ a little rusty there, kiddo." Dean said as he starts trying different buttons.

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