Red Sky At Morning

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Dean was driving the Impala; Sam was in the passenger's seat and I in the backseat, the usual. There was a silence in the car and it felt very tense. The tension in the air felt so thick, you could cut it with a sword, but, eventually, Dean speaks up. "So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You guys got something to tell me?" He asked us and Sam and I glance at each other then at him.

"It's not your birthday." Sam said, playing dumb. "No." Dean said and I give a confused look at him. "Happy...Purim?" I said, shrugging, and Dean looks up at the rearview mirror, an eyebrow raised. "Dude, we don't know. We have no idea what you're talking -" Sam started to say but Dean talks over.

"There's a bullet missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened? I know it wasn't me. So unless one of you were shooting at some incredibly evil cans...One of you went after her, didn't you? The Crossroads Demon. After I told you not to." Dean said, anger rising in his voice. "Yeah, well..." Sam mutters and I shrug.

"Both of you went after her?!" Dean said as he looks between us and I quickly look away from his glare through the mirror.

"You two could have gotten yourselves killed!" Dean yells. "We didn't." Sam growls. "And you shot her." Dean said as he looks at Sam. "She was a smartass." said Sam and Dean growls then looks up at the mirror. "And you didn't stop him." He said. "It happened so fast, Dean." I said and Dean scoffs.

"So, what? Does that mean I'm out of my deal?" He asked us. "Don't you think we might have mentioned that little fact, Dean?" I said, annoyed, and Dean rolls his eyes. "No. Someone else holds the contract."

"Who?" Dean asked. "She wouldn't say." Sam said. "Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon. Oh, wait a minute..." Dean said and I let out sigh. "That's not funny." Sam said. "No, it's not! It was a stupid freaking risk, and you shouldn't have done it." Dean yells.

"I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother, Dean. And no matter what you do, (y/n) and I are gonna try and save you. And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, all right?" Sam said to him, firmly. "Agreed." I said and Dean shakes his head as we keep on driving.

The next day, Sam, Dean and I were impersonating officers of the law to interview a witness. She was holding a framed photograph of the victim, who mysteriously drowned in her shower. The witness' name is Gertude Case, and she is elegant and well-groomed and approximately 70 years old.

"But I don't understand. I already went over all this with the other Detectives." She said to us. "Right, yes. But, see, we're with the Sheriff's Department, not the police department - different departments." Dean tells her.

"So, Mrs. Case..." Sam started to say but Gert smiles up at him. "Please. Ms. Case." She said as she eyes Sam. "Okay. Um, Ms. Case, were the one who found your niece, correct?" He asked her. "I came home, she was in the shower." She explained.

"Drowned?" I asked. "So the coroner says. Now, you tell me, how can someone drown in the shower?" She asked. "How would you describe Sheila's behavior in the days before her death? I mean, did she seem frightened? Maybe she said something out of the ordinary?" Sam asked then Gert gives us a look.

"Wait a minute. You're working with Alex, aren't you?" She asked and the three of us look at each other before Dean nods. "Yep. Absolutely. That's Alex and us, we're like this." Dean said, laughing.

"Why didn't you say so? Alex has been such a comfort. But I'm sorry. I thought the case was solved." Gert said, confused. "Well, no. No, not yet." Sam said and Gert looks him over while Dean and I exchange a look. "I see." She said as she gives Sam a flirtatious look.

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