She's Mine

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Molly was pacing in one room, looking through the photo album, while the boys and I were waiting in another room nearby. "I think we should tell her about her husband." Sam  said to Dean. "We can't." Dean replied. "Dean, it's cruel, letting her pine for him like this. I don't like keeping her in the dark." I said to him. "Neither do I." Sam said. "It's for her own good." Dean said as he gets up.

"I know you feel guilty, all right? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her." Dean said just as Molly approaches us. "Tell me what? What aren't you telling me?" She asked us and the boys and I look at each other. 

"It's about David. You know what happened to him." Molly said, firmly. "Molly--" Sam tried to explain but Dean talks over him. "Sam, don't." He said. "Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband." Molly said, getting angry.

"That's not true." I said to her. "Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please." She pleads and I swallow, wanting to tell her the truth, but then a radio turns on, static, then the song House of the Rising Sun begin to play.

"He's coming." Molly said, panicked, then Dean turns to me and Sam. "Stay with her." He said and he goes cautiously towards the sound. Molly stands by the window, I stand next to her  while Sam steps cautiously forward towards the next room.

Suddenly I hear a crash behind me and I turn to see a figure coming through the window. The figure then knocks me to the side and grabs Molly. She screams as she is dragged outside. I get up just as Dean and Sam comes running back.

"He's got Molly!" I yelled and we leap through the window and chase them through the woods. But we lose sight of them, and return to the house. 

"This guy is persistent." Dean growls. "We gotta find Molly." Sam said. "We gotta find Greeley's bones. And, uh, no pressure or anything, but we got less than two hours before sunrise." I said to the boys and Sam looks through the photo album.

"Hey." He said and we go stand next to him. "What do you got?" Dean asked him and Sam points at the caption on a photo. "February 6, 1992." He said. "That was like two weeks before the accident, wasn't it?" Dean asked. "Yeah. I mean, it looks like the hunting cabin, but...I swear there's a tree there right where they're standing." Sam said then we look up. 

"I should've thought of it." Sam mutters. "What?" I asked him. "It's an old country custom, guys. Planting a tree as a grave marker." He said. "You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness." Dean teased and Sam glares at him. "Yeah. I know." He said, somewhat bitterly, and we leave.

Moments later, we approach the cabin from the outside, carrying shovels. "Go get Molly." I said to Dean. As he heads inside, Sam and I begin to dig around the tree as we hear Dean firing at Greeley. We digged, feverishly, until I hit something hard. We look down and see it's bones. From inside, Sam and I could hear Dean yell, "Hurry up, guy!" 

Sam then empties a box of salt into the open grave. Seconds later, I emptied a container of gasoline into the grave then Sam lights a match and drops it in and the corpse catches fire and burns.

Later, Sam, Dean, Molly and I approach the Impala and Dean pats it lovingly. "Oh, baby, it's been a long night." He said and he drops his bag in the back, then climbs into the driver's seat. Sam opens the back door for Molly as I get in in the back on the other side.

"All right. Let's get you out of here." Sam said to her. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my husband." Molly said, firmly. "Molly..." Sam said, sadly. "All this time...I've been looking for him, and you knew that...You knew that Greeley killed him, didn't you? He's dead." She said, in an angry tone.

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