Hammer Of The Gods

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Thunder crashes and the rain pours down as we pulled up to this hotel called the Elysian Fields. Hurrying to get inside, Dean parks the car in front of the lobby at an angle and run towards the door.
We gasp as we enter and hear lounge music playing and honestly, this place looked pretty snazzy and fancy. It's unlike any hotels we've stayed at.

"Whew. Nice digs, for once." Dean said and we walk up to the front desk were a tall, dark haired man stands. "Busy night." Dean said to the attendant, questioning. "Any port in a storm, I guess." The man chuckles. "If you could just fill this out, please." He said to Dean. "Yeah." Dean said and he takes the forms and I go up to the man.

"Uh, can I get a form too. We need two rooms." I said. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but all of the rooms are taking." He said and I sighed, disappointed. It's been a little over a week since Dean and I decided to take a break and everytime we stopped at a hotel, I always made sure I got a room myself. But, of course, this hotel would be booked up.

"Your key." The attendant said and I shake my head out of my thoughts and I see him handing Dean the key. "Oh. Thanks. Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop, would you?" He asked. "Buffet. All you can eat. Best pie in the tri-state area." The guy said. "You don't say?" Dean said, intrigued. "You said the magic words, sir." I said, with a small laugh, then we leave the lobby.

Sam and I were sitting at a table, in the dining room, when Dean comes up to us, holding two plates. He sits down and sets one plate in front of him, which had pie, then the other to me and I notice that the plate was filled with my favorite meal: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and a roll. I look over at him and give him a knowing look.

"What?" Dean asked me, innocently. "You trying to butter me up, Winchester?" I asked him and he shrugs. "Hey, I noticed some of your favorite foods up there and I thought you'd be hungry." He said and I gave him a small smirk and shake my head. Then I started eating it as I was pretty hungry while Dean turns to Sam.

"Sam, unpucker, man. Eat something." he said as he pats his shoulder. "We should hit the road, Dean." Sam said, shaking his head. "In this storm? I-it's--" I started to say after I swallowed my bite of chicken. "It's biblical. Exactly. I-it's friggin' Noah's ark out there, and we're eating pie and chicken." Sam said. "How many hours of sleep did you get this week? What? Three? Four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in 12 states." Dean said. "Yeah, well, I'm not giving up." Sam said.

"Nobody's giving up. Especially me. We're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it. And we will find Cas and Ariel, and we'll find Adam. But you are no good to me burnt out." Dean said to him. "Yeah. Yeah, okay." Sam said. "Come on, we've actually got the night off for once. Let's try to enjoy it." Dean said and he eats on his pie.

We head to our room and see a couple making out in front of their room. I roll my eyes at this then Dean and I share an awkward glance before we head inside the room. "Wow. Look at this. We're like Rockefellers." Dean said, impressed, as we look around the large elegant looking room. The crappy thing was...there was only two beds and there was a couch

"Chocolates! You want yours?" Dean asked Sam as he holds up the little chocolates that were on the pillows. "If he doesn't want it, I'll take it." I said and Dean tosses the chocolate to me and I catch it and start to eat on it. "Hey, (y/n), you want the bed and I'll take the couch." Sam said and I shake my head. 

"No, you go ahead and take the bed. Besides, that couch looks too small for you, Sam." I said and Sam chuckles while Dean looks through the channel guide on the TV. "Whoa. Casa Erotica 13 on demand." He said and Sam scoffs. "Oh God." I groaned.
"What?" Dean asked us. "Isn't this place...in the middle of nowhere?" Sam asked. "So?" Dean asked. "So what's a four-star hotel doing on a no-star highway?" Sam asked and I nod a bit at this. "Yeah, that is very odd." I said.

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