They're Ghouls

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Dean backs Adam's truck out of the parking spot to see he had parked right over a sewer grate, which is half open. He gets out of the truck and approaches the grate, aiming the shotgun, while Sam and I were leaning on the hood of the Impala. "I winged it. Did you see anything?" Dean asked Sam after he stands up and comes over to him. "I didn't get a good look." Sam replied.

"What the hell is this thing?" I asked, desperately. "Why—who—should we go after it?" Adam asked us. "No, no." Dean said. "In that maze? That thing's long gone." I pointed out. "All right, so, we don't know what it is, but we do know who it's going after. Joe Barton, Adam's mom—" Sam said. "And Adam. It was under his truck, just waiting for him." Dean added. "It set a trap, and I walked right into it." Sam grumbles.

"Doesn't matter. You're right—there's a pattern. Joe Barton was a cop. I'm pretty sure he helped out Dad. So we've got him, Dad's girl, and his son." Dean said. "All the people Dad knew in town." said Sam.
"At least we know why it's back." I said. "It wants revenge." Adam said and we all look at him.

"Grab your stuff. We'll hit the road." Dean tells Adam after we get into his house. Adam flips on the lights and heads upstairs while Sam sits at the kitchen table. "We shouldn't leave." he says as he thumps his injured ankle on another chair. "Here, let me look at it." I said to Sam as I grab the first aid kit we brought in and go to the chair.

"Yeah, let's stay here, where the kid's mom got ganked. Good one." Dean said, sarcastically, as Sam raises his leg and I sit on the chair and he places his ankle on my lap and I start to clean his wound. "I'm serious." Sam said. "No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid, we're gonna drop him off at Bobby's, and then you, me and (y/n) are gonna come back here and finish what Dad started." Dean said, firmly.

"How? We got no leads, no witnesses. We do have what this thing wants." Sam said and I stop cleaning his wound and grabbed the bandages and furrow my brow at Sam. "You want to use the kid as bait? That's why you want to stay here?" I asked him. "Maybe this thing will come back. We could train Adam—get him ready." Sam said as I bandage up his ankle.

"He could die, Sam." Dean yells. "We could all die, Dean. Even if we do kill this thing, there are tons of other freaks that want revenge, on Dad, on us. What if they find the kid instead and he's not ready?" Sam asked as Adam returns, backpack over one shoulder.

"I'll do it. Whatever it takes, I’ll do it. I want to do it." he said and Dean looks at Sam then me then over at Adam.

We made our way to a field and Sam was teaching Adam how to fire a gun while Dean and I were leaning against the Impala. Dean was watching on, looking upset, and I look over at him. "This is so stupid." Dean grumbles. "He's gonna get himself killed."

"Dean..." I said, exasperated. "(Y/n), please don't argue with me. You know what I'm saying is right." He said and I sighed. "Look, I don't want Adam in danger either but...he should at least learn how to protect himself. I mean, what if a demon or any monsters we've fought find out about Adam? You know that they would love to jump at the opportunity to go after a son of John Winchester, especially one that can't defend itself." I explained as three gunshots sounds out as Adam had hit this sign he and Sam used for shooting practice.

Dean turns his head away from me as Adam and Sam talk then Sam claps Adam on the back. Dean sighs and shakes his head slightly. 

"So, then we lit it on fire." Sam explains to Adam as we sit at Adam's house. Sam had spread out alot of books to Adam and they were looking through it. "With a homemade flamethrower?" Adam asked Sam. "Yeah. They're easy to build. I'll show you." Sam replied. "That is some job you got, man." Adam said, a bit impressed.

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