The Devil You Know

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The boys and I followed a doctor through a hospital full of very sick patience, putting on face masks to protect us and them. "Check it out...I look like the king of pop." Dean said, as he gestures to his masked face. Sam and I sigh at this while Dean chuckles. "Too soon?" He asked. "Too soon." Sam replied. "Yeah, c'mon, I'm still not over that. Been listening to Thriller nonstop." I grumbled.

"Don't get me wrong...I'm glad the CDC is here, but what we really need is vaccine." The doctor said, stopping and turning around to look at us. "You got that right." I muttered, looking around at all the sick people sitting in the waiting room. "Well, tell me, have you noticed anything unusual about the strain...Any signs of behavioral change, like aggression, maybe?" Sam asked the doctor. "Excuse me?" She asked, confused.

"Have the flu victims shown any signs of, uh, homicidal tendencies?" Dean asked. The doctor look between us and chuckles. "uh...Symptomatically speaking, we're looking at a relatively mild case of swine flu here. Probably add up to a miserable week off of work, and that's about it." She said. "So nothing unusual." I said, questionable. "Hmm. Day and a half ago, we didn't have a single case. Now we're looking at over 70. The infectious equivalent of a briefcase bomb. So, yeah, I might call that a little unusual." The doctor explained as she signs something for another doctor.

"Day and a half?" Sam said to Dean and I. "That's the same time those statues started crying." I said. "Yep." Sam replied. "I'm sorry. What was that?" The doctor asked. "What was what?" I asked. "Did you just say a bunch of statues started crying?" The doctor asked. 

"What?" Sam asked then laughs. "Why, no. No. W-who would..." He said. "Who would say that, huh? Crazy people." Dean said. "Exactly." Sam said. "Yeah, which we are not." I said. "No." Sam said. The doctor looks between us, confused. "Just...Get us some vaccine." She said, we nodded and she walks off with the other doctor.

Later, we were driving down a dark road in the Impala, while Bobby talks on speakerphone. "Let me guess...another steamin'-hot pile of swine flu." He said. "Yep." Dean replied. "Doesn't make any sense, Bobby. Pestilence touched down here. I'm sure of it." Sam said, certain.

"But why is he dealing them soft serve like swine flu when he's got the croatoan virus up his sleeve? I-I-I don't get it." Dean said. "Doesn't matter what the sick son of a bitch is doing. What matters is this is the fourth town he's hit. That we know of and we're still eating his dust. Did you get anything? We got even a snowball at probable next target?" Bobby asked. "Uh, no pattern we can see." I said and Bobby sighs.

"Okay. Hold on." He said, we then heard a squeaky noise from his wheelchair. "Well, far as I can tell, he's still heading East, So...Head East, I guess." He said, unsure. "East?" The boys and I said in unison. "Bobby, we're in West Nevada. East is practically all there is." Dean said. "Yeah, well, you better get to drivin'." Bobby replied and Sam hangs up the phone and sighs.

"Say..." A voice said and I jump, rearing to the left behind Dean as Crowley was now suddenly sitting in the backseat beside me. "I've got an idea." He said. The tires screech as Dean swerves, slamming on the brakes. Sam tries to stab Crowley with Ruby's knife, but only stabs the seat of the Impala.

"Did you get him?" Dean asked. "He's gone." I replied then we hear a tap on Sam's window. Sam pulls the knife out of the seat and we look to see Crowley was now standing outside the car. "Fancy a fag and a chat?" He asked but then the boys and I get out of the car. "You're upset. We should discuss it. Not here, but..." Crowley said, backing up as Sam and I stalk after him.

"You want to talk? After what you did to us?" Sam asked. "After what I...what I did to you?! I gave you the Colt!" Crowley said, now standing in front of Dean. "Yeah, and you knew it wouldn't work against the devil!" Sam growled. "I never!" Crowley said, sounding offended. "You set us up. We lost people on that suicide run! GOOD people!" I exclaimed, angrily. "Who you take on the ride is your own business!" Crowley said.

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