They're Monsters

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I groan, slightly, as I start to wake up, only to find out that there was a bag over my hand and a gag over my mouth. I nudge to my side and realized someone was next to me, which I figured was Sam. We were also moving so we were captured an taking somewhere and I don't know how long I've been out.

Eventually, the car turns and continues on for a few more minutes before it slows down and stops. I hear a couple of doors open then close before the doors next to me opens and I was dragged out. 

Eventually, I was bound to a chair then the bag was pulled off. I blink then look to my right to see Sam next to me, also tied up to the chair. He looks at me and I give him a look of relief then I turn my head and my eyes widen as I see the bartender, from earlier, standing before us.

He shows a lot of fangs and advances on us, and we began to struggle. As the vampire advances on us, a woman appears in the doorway. "Wait! Step back, Eli." She orders. Eli pulls back, his fangs retracting. The woman walks over and pulls off mine and Sam's gag.

"My name's Lenore. I'm not going to hurt you two. We just need to talk." She said. "Talk? Yeah, okay, but we might have a tough time paying attention to much besides Eli's teeth." Sam spat as he and I look over at Eli. "He won't hurt you either. You have my word." Lenore said.

"Your word? Oh yeah, great, thanks." I said with a sarcastic laugh. "Listen lady, no offense but you're not the first vampire we've met." I said to her. "We're not like the others. We don't kill humans, and we don't drink their blood. We haven't for a long time." Lenore informed us and I scoff at this.

"What is this, some kind of joke?" Sam asked. "Notice you and your friend are still alive." She pointed out. "Okay, uh, correct me if I'm wrong here, but shouldn't you be starving to death?" I asked her. "We've found other ways. Cattle blood." She said and I raise an eyebrow at this.

"You're telling us you're responsible for all the --"

"It's not ideal, in fact it's disgusting. But -- it allows us to get by." Lenore said, talling over Sam. "Okay, uh, why?" Sam asked her. "Survival. No deaths, no missing locals, no reason for people like you to come looking for people like us. We blend in. Our kind is practically extinct. Turns out we weren't quite as high up the food chain as we imagined." Lenore said.

"Why are we explaining ourselves to these killers?" Eli asked her, annoyed. "Eli!" Lenore exclaims, firmly. "We choke on cow's blood so that none of them suffer. Tonight they murdered Conrad and they celebrated." Eli growled. "Eli, that's enough." Lenore said to him. "Yeah, Eli, that's enough." I repeated and Eli glares at me. "What's done is done. We're leaving this town tonight." Lenore said.

"Then why did you bring us here? Why are you even talking to us?" I asked her. "Believe me, I'd rather not. But I know your kind. Once you have the scent you'll keep tracking us. It doesn't matter where we go. Hunters will find us." She said. "So you're asking us not to follow you." Sam said to her. "We have a right to live. We're not hurting anyone." Lenore said.

"Right, so you keep saying, but give us one good reason why we should believe you." I said to her. "Fine." She said then she gets in my face. "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to let you two go." She said and I give her a started look. Then she stands up and turns to Eli. "Take them back. Not a mark on either of them." She said then the put the bags back over our heads. 

We were then lead out of the building and pushed us into the car. Once inside, I hear the door closing then the car starting and we start to move.

About half an hour or an hour later, the vampires dropped dust back off at the hotel. They removed mine and Sam's bag off of our head and untied us. Eli stares at us for a moment then he gets back in his car and they take off.

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