The Real Ghostbusters

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The Impala roars up a country road and squeals around the corner into a car park, past an old fashioned sign Welcome to The Pineview Hotel. We pull up and jump out. Dean and I run around the back of the car and suddenly stop, both of us looking confused. In front of us are a line up of identical Impalas.

"Hey. Come on." Sam said to us and we run to the hotel and see Chuck pacing back and forth at the bottom of the steps. "Chuck! There you are." Sam said as we come up to him and he turns to us, surprised. "Guys?" he asked us, shocked. "What's going on?" Dean asked him. "Ah, nothing. You know, I'm just kinda hanging. What are you guys doing here?" Chuck asked us.

"You told us to come." I said. "Ah, no I didn't." Chuck said as he looks between us. "Yeah you did, you texted me. This address, life or death situation. Any of this ringing a bell?" Sam said as Chuck continues to look at us, confused. "I didn't send you a text." He said.

"We drove all night!" I said. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what could..." Chuck said then he stops and sighs. "...oh no." He mutters. "What?" Dean asked then we hear another set of footsteps coming. "SAM! You made it!!" A female voice squealed and we look up to see Becky running down the steps towards us.

"Oh, ah, Becky, right?" Sam said, trying to sound polite. "Oh, you remembered." she said, excitedly, then she lowers her voice. "You been thinking about me." She asked and Sam seems taken aback. "I..." he stammers and Becky smiles. "It's ok, I can't get you out of my head either." she said and Dean and I share a smile.

"Becky, did you take my phone?" Chuck asked her. "I just borrowed it from your pants." Becky said and I raise an eyebrow at this. "Becky..." Chuck said, exasperated. "What? They're going to want to see it!" Becky said to him. "See what?" the boys and I asked, in unison, and Becky gets a surprised, happy look. "Oh My God. I love it when they talk at the same time!!" she squeals.

Then a guy appears at the top of the stairs with a clipboard. "Hey Chuck? Come on pal, it's showtime." the guy said and Becky runs excitedly up the stairs. Chuck turns to us. "Guys. I'm sorry. For everything." he said and the boys and I look at each other, confused, then follow him up the stairs.

We all enter the building and a large man walks past us with a stein of beer. "Ha-ha-ha. Hey Dean, looking good." the man said to Dean. "Who the hell are you?" Dean asked him and the man turns back to him. He is wearing much the same clothes as Dean, down to the amulet around his neck. "I'm Dean too. Duh." the man said, sounding like it was obvious. 

Dean turns to me and Sam, utterly confused. Over Sam's shoulder, I sees the Scarecrow God and I jump, Sam and Dean look and do the same. "Uh-oh. It's Sam, Dean and (y/n). I'm in trouble now." The Scarecrow said, which I quickly realize he is just a guy in costume. He has a can of soda in one hand, his sythe in the other. "Have fun you three. Aaaah!" the guy said as he jiggles his sythe in Sam's face then walks away.

I furrow my brow as I hear Becky giggling behind us. "What?" I asked her then I turn to the boys and we look around the room. It is filled with people dressed as every monster we've ever fought, Bloody Mary, clowns, people with black demon eyes, a skinny woman dressed as Bobby, a guy dressed as Ash. There are tables of merchandise with the Impala on coffee cups, Chuck's books and more.

"Becky, what is this?" Sam asked her. "It's awesome!! A Supernatural convention, the first ever." Becky squeals while Sam gives a look of disapproval, Dean still looks confused and I was just feeling really uncomfortable with this whole thing.

A small crowd sits facing the stage, in a conference room, and the Convention Manager steps up to the microphone. "Welcome to the first annual Supernatural convention. At 3:45 in the Magnolia room we have the panel, Frightened little boy, the secret life of Dean. And at 4:30 there's the Team Dean vs Team Sam: Who Is The Perfect Match For (y/n)? debate." The manger said as the boys and I stand at the back of the hall, Becky beside us. 

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