Never Can Go Home

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"One room, please." Dean said to clerk at the motel check-in desk as he sets his card on the desk. After we left the bridge, we went straight to a motel to get us some rooms. The clerk picks up the card and looks at it. "You guys having a reunion or something?" The clerk asked as he looks around at us. "What do you mean?" Sam asked him. "I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month." The clerk replied and the boys and I exchange looks.

Sam picks the lock of the room then hides the picks and stands up. Sam enters and I follow but I turn and see Dean is just outside, playing lookout. I rolled my eyes and reached out of the room to grabbed his shoulder and yank him inside. Sam closes the door behind us and we look around the room.

Every vertical surface had papers pinned to it: maps, newspaper clippings, pictures, notes. There were books on the desk and assorted junk on the floor and bed, including something with a hazardous-materials symbol. "Whoa." Sam and I said in awe as Dean turns on a light by the bed and picks up a half-eaten hamburger sitting there. Sam and I step over a line of salt on the floor while Dean sniffs the burger and recoils.

"I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least." Dean said as I finger the salt on the floor and look up at them  "Salt, cats-eye shells...he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in." I said as the boys look at the papers covering the wall.

"What have you got here?" I asked them. "Centennial Highway victims." Dean replied and I come up to them and see pictures of all of the victims were on the wall. "I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs—ages, ethnicities." I said as we looked the photos over. "There's always a connection, right?" I asked as I look over at the boys. "Usually. But...What do these guys have in common?" Dean asked while Sam looks at the papers taped to the other wall.

"Dad figured it out." Sam said and Dean and I turn to look at him. "What do you mean?" We asked him. "He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white." Sam said as he shows us the articles then Dean looks at the photos of Constance's victims. "You sly dogs." Dean mutters to the pictures.

"All right, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, John would have found the corpse and destroyed it." I said. "She might have another weakness." Sam said, shrugging. "Well, Dad would want to make sure." Dean said as he crosses to Sam and I follow them. "He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Dean asked him. "No, not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband." Sam said as he taps the picture of Joseph Welch. "If he's still alive." I said as Sam looks at something else and I look at the picture below, which was a Herald article of a woman in a white dress.

"All right. Why don't you, uh, see if you can find an address, I'm gonna get cleaned up." Dean said as he starts to walk away then I look down at my muddy clothes. "Yeah, I need to go get clean too." I said then I look up at the boys. "I'll see you two in the morning." I said then I head out of their room and entered my room, which was a couple of doors down from them.

Once I get inside, I tossed my bag on the bed then head into the bathroom. After I showered and changed, I jumped into the bed and started to fall asleep.

"Morning." I greeted Sam as I walked back into the boys' room. Sam had his phone to his ear then looks at me, smiles and nods at me. "Everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, uh.. Jessica called and left me a voicemail." He replied and I nodded. As he sits there and listens to the voicemail, Dean, who was now clean, walks out of the bathroom.

"Hey." He greets when he sees me. "Morning, Dean." I said as I take a seat. "I'm starving, I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. You guys want anything?" Dean asked us. I shake my head as Sam said. "No."

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