Route 666

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"Ok. I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam said as he and I look over a road map that was laying on the hood of the Impala. "Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean said and Sam and I look over at him, confused, as he pockets his phone. "We what?" Sam and I asked in unison.

"I just got a call from an, uh, old friend. Her father was killed last night, think it might be our kind of thing." Dean replied. "What?" I asked. "Yeah. Believe me, she never woulda called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean said as he starts to get into the car, but Sam and I don't move. "Come on, are you guys coming or not?" Dean asked. Sam and I exchange a look before I shrug at him then we get in the car and take off.

"By old friend you mean...?" Sam started to ask but Dean talks over him. "A friend that's not new." He said. "Oh yeah, thanks." Sam said, sarcastically. "So her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her..." I said to Dean, suspiciously. "Didn't I?" Dean asked and Sam and I look at Deam, expectantly.

"Yeah, we went out." Dean admits and I swallowed this suddenly large lump that came up in my throat. Sam looks over at me like he wanted to say did I hear that right? I nod slightly as I turn to Dean. "You mean you dated somebody? For more than one night." I said to him. "Am I speaking a language you're not getting here?" Dean asked, annoyed, and I raised my hands up. "Just askin'. Geez." I said and Dean sighs. 

"Dad and I were working a job in Ohio, she was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks." Dean replies. "And...?" Sam and I asked, in unison, and Dean shrugs slightly. "Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kinda sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do." Sam said. "Which by the way, how does she know what we do?" I asked Dean and he looks up at the rearview mirror at me, shifty, and my jaw drops as I realized what he was hinting.

"You told her." I said, shocked, and Sam looks at him. "You told her, the secret! Our big family rule number one. We do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything?" Sam asked, slightly angry.

Dean stays silent, staring straight ahead at the road. "Dean!" I shouted. "Yeah. Looks like." Dean said and he continues to stare ahead while Sam and I exchange a you gotta be kidding me? look.

"Jimmy, you're too close to this. Those guys were friends of yours. Again, Cassie, I'm very sorry for your loss." A man said as the boys and I walk into the office and see this man talking to two African Americans, one man and one young woman. The two men walks away while the girl sighs then turns to us and her sights were set on Dean.

"Dean." She said, still staring at him, while Dean nods and grins at her. "Hey Cassie." Dean said and the two of them continue to stare at each other for a long moment. Sam and I watch this and I couldn't help but feel like something was boiling inside of me. Like something hot, boiling lava.

I swallowed this large lump in my throat and look over at Sam, who was smiling. I give him a confused look before Dean clears his throat and speaks. "This my brother Sam." Dean said as he gestures to Sam. Cassie smiles at Sam, who returns one of his own, then Dean turns to me and I could've sworn I saw a worried and nervous look on his face. "And this is our best friend, (y/n)." Dean introduced and she turns to me.
She gives me a smile but it wasn't as genuine as the one she gave Sam. I give her a smile and a small wave at her. "Hey." I introduced. She nods then turns back to Dean. "Sorry bout your dad." Dean said to her. "Yeah. Me too." Cassie said.

Later, we ended up at Cassie's house and she comes in her living room, carrying a tray of tea and cups for us. "My mothers in pretty bad shape. I've been staying with her. I wish she wouldn't go off by herself. She's been so nervous and frightened. She was worried about dad." She said. "Why?" Dean asked her as she pours us some tea. "He was scared. He was seeing things." She replied.

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