Tall Tales

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(A/N: So since this episode likes to flashback and through different point of views as they explain what happened to Bobby, here's what I'm gonna do. The bold paragraphs are gonna be in Dean's point of view. The italics paragraph are gonna be in (y/n)'s point of view. The bold italics paragraph are gonna be Sam's point of view. I forgot how crazy this episode is until I watched it the other day and this was the best way of writing it I could think of. Anyway, that is all and I hope you guys enjoy!)

Sam and I were sitting on the couch, looking through books, when he rubs his face tiredly. Dean was sitting up on the bed behind us, listening to the radio and eating from a disposable plate. "Dude. You mind not eating those on MY bed?" Sam asked, annoyed. "No, I don't mind." Dean said as he continues to eat.

"How's research going?" He asked us and I sighed in annoyance. "You know how it's going? Slow. You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster? If (y/n) and I had our computers." Sam shouted at him and Dean nods, sarcastically.

"Can you turn that down please?" I asked him, gesturing towards the radio. "Yeah, absolutely." Dean said and he turns the music up louder and I sit still, annoyed again. "You know what? Maybe, uh, maybe you should just go somewhere for a while." I said to him and he shuts off the radio and looks up, snappish. "Hey, I'd love to. That's a great idea. Unfortunately, my car's all screwed to hell." He said as he glares at me. "Dean, I told you, I have nothing to do wi—" I started to explain when I was cut off by a loud knock on the door.

Sam stands and goes to the door; he looks through the peephole and then back at us, then opens the door. "Hey, Bobby." Sam said as Bobby comes through the door. "Boys. (Y/n)." He greets and Dean and I approach him. "Hey, Bobby." We greet.

"It's good to see you again so soon." Bobby said. "Yeah, uh, thanks for coming. Come on in." Sam said as Dean shakes Bobby's hand, firmly. "Thank God you're here." Dean said. "So um, what didn't you want to talk to me on the phone about?" Bobby asked. "It's this job we're working. We— We weren't sure you'd believe us." I said and Bobby scoffs. "Well, I can believe a lot." He said.

"Yeah, no, no, it's just, we've never seen anything like it—" Sam said as I shake my head. "Not even close." Dean said. "And we thought we could use some fresh eyes." I said and Bobby looks between us. "Well, why don't you begin at the beginning?" He asked.

"Yeah, um, all right." Sam said and he gestures to the bed. Bobby picks up the empty takeout tray and peers at it, sets it aside, and sits down. "So, it all started when we caught wind of an obit. See, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window, only there's a campus legend that the building's haunted. So we pretexted as reporters from the local paper." Sam begins to explain.

Sam and (y/n) were sitting at a table with a stocky jock boy, Curtis, and an attractive girl, Jen. Sam sets a voice recorder down on the table before they began the interview. "Yeah, we both had the professor for Ethics and Morality." Curtis said.

"Yeah? So why do you think he did it?" (Y/n) asked them. "Who knows? I mean, he was tenured, wife and kids. His book is like a really big deal. Then again..." Jen said then she leans in conspiratorially. "Who's to say it was suicide?" She asked, making her friend scoff. "Jen, come on." said Curtis.

"Well, what else could it be?" Sam asked, feigning surprise. "Well, you guys know about Crawford Hall?" Jen asked Sam and (y/n). "No, we don't, actually." (Y/n) replied. "It's a bunch of crap, it's a total urban legend." Curtis said. "Yeah well, Heather's mom went to school here, and she knew the girl?" Jen said and Sam and (y/n) look between the kids.

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