The Djinn

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Back at the Winchester house, Sam was fast asleep when, suddenly, he hears a noise downstairs and he wakes up. He comes down the stairs, quietly, with a bat in his hand then he stops in the doorway, leaning looking into the living room.

He sees the window open and under it, someone is in one of the cabinets. Sam goes in, swinging, but the person gets up and counterattacks, throwing him on the floor. "That was so easy, I'm embarrassed for you." A voice said and Sam looks to see that it was Dean.

"Dean? What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked him as Dean gets up, letting Sam get up off the floor. "I was looking for a beer." Dean replied. "In the china cabinet?" Sam asked as he goes to turn on the light and sees the box with their parents' silverware on the floor, open.

"That's Mom's silver." Sam said as he looks at Dean, upset. "Sam." Dean mutters and Sam becomes angry. "What, broke into the steal Mom's silver?" He asked, angrily. "It's not what it looks like. OK, I didn't have a choice." Dean said to him. "Oh really? Why? What's so damn important you gotta steal from your own mother?" Sam asked.

"You want the truth?" Dean asked. "Yeah, yeah I do." Sam said and Dean shrugs. "I owe somebody money." He replied. "Who?" Sam asked. "A bookie. I lost big on a game, I gotta bring him the cash tonight." Dean said.

"I can't believe we're even related." Sam grumbles. "Sam, I'm sorry." Dean said. "Yeah." Sam mutters, quietly. "I'm sorry that we don't get along. And I wish to hell I could stay and fix it. But I gotta do this. People’s lives depend on it." Dean said to him. He turns around and take a knife from the box.

"What are you talking about, Dean?" Sam asked him. "Nothing. Forget it. Just uh...hey, tell Mom I love her." Dean said. Sam frowns, seeing that something is up, as Dean goes for the door. "Dean." Sam said, worried, and Dean turns around. "I'll see you, Sammy." Dean said and he walks out the door, taking one last look at the house and Sam.

Sam stands in the living room where Dean left him, confused, then he hear the Impala's engine start.

Dean was sitting in the car, engine going, thinking, when, suddenly, the passenger door opens and Sam gets in the car. "Get out of the car." Dean tells him. "I'm going with you." Sam said. "You're just gonna slow me down." Dean tells him. "Tough." Sam said, firmly.

"This is dangerous and you could get hurt." Dean said to him. "Yeah, and so could you, Dean." Sam said.


"Look, whatever stupid thing you're about to do, you're not doing it alone. And that's that." Sam said to Dean, firmly. "I don't understand. Why you doing this?" Dean asked him and Sam sighs. "Because you're still my brother." Sam said and Dean stares at him for a moment.

"Bitch." Dean mutters and Sam gives him a confused look. "W–hat are you calling me a bitch for?" He asked, offended. "You're supposed to say jerk." Dean said to him. "What?" Sam asked and Dean shakes his head. "Never mind." He mutters and he puts the Impala in gear and they drive off.

As they drive down the road, Sam looks down on a bag on the seat between them. "What's in the bag?" He asked, sighing. "Nothin'." Dean replied. "Nothin'?" Sam asked. "Yeah, nothin'." Dean said. "Fine." Sam said and he grabs the bag and begins to open it.

"You don't wanna do that." Dean said. "Oh really?" Sam asked. And he takes out what was in the bag. It's a container of blood. "What the hell is this?" Sam asked, staring at the container. "Blood." Dean replied, flatly. "Yeah, I can see that it's blood, Dean! What the hell is it doing in here?" Sam asked, upset. "You don't really wanna know." Dean said.

"No I-I do really wanna know. I really, really, do." Sam said. "Yeah, well you're gonna find out sooner or later. I needed a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood." Dean replied. "You needed a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood, why?" Sam asked. "Because there's this creature. A Djinn. And I have to hunt it." Dean said.

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