A Trickster

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"Cops didn't release the cause of death 'cause they had no clue what the cause was." Dean explains to Bobby. "So, we checked it ourselves." Sam said and we continue.

After opening the window to a building, Sam crawls through the window. "Hey." Dean said and he tosses his flashlight to Sam, then climbs through and helps (y/n) through before he shuts the window.

Dean opens a body drawer and shines his light through, he grimaces. "Well, this oughta be quick." He said as they slide the drawer out and gingerly peel off the bloody blanket, revealing extremely mangled remains.

"OK, that is just nasty." (Y/n) said, disgusted, as Sam holds his hand to his mouth and nose. "Uh, yeah." He said, speaking muffled while trying not to breathe through his nose. "Mutilated?" Dean said. "Looks to me like something was hungry." (y/n) said.

"They identify him yet?" Dean asked. "Yeah, uh, a research scientist at the college. Guess where his office was, by the way. Crawford Hall, same as the professor." Sam said. "That's right where the frat boy had his close encounter." Dean said. "Yeah. Hey, grab me that thing, would you?" Sam asked and Dean slides a magnifying light over to Sam, who peers through it at the corpse. "Thanks." Sam said as he looks through the corpse.

"What is it?" Dean asked. "Looks like a...A belly scale?" Sam said, confused. "A belly scale? From what?" (y/n) asked. "Uh...An alligator?" Sam replied and Dean and (y/n) look at him, confused.

"An alligator in the sewer. Come on." Dean said. "What? Well, Dean, it's a classic urban legend. A kid flushes a baby gator down the toilet, and it grows huge in the tunnels." Sam said. "But no one's ever really found one. I mean, th – they're not real." (Y/n) said. "Well, neither's alien abduction, but something chomped on this guy." Sam said and Dean shakes his head.

"This couldn't get any weirder." Dean mutters. "Maybe we should get some help. I'll call Bobby. Maybe he's run into something like this before." Sam said. "Oh, I'm sure he has. Just your typical haunted campus, alien abduction, alligator-in-the-sewer gig. Yeah, it's simple." Dean said with sarcasm.

"We decided to search the sewer anyway, so we split up, each taking one end of campus." I said. "D'you find anything?" Bobby asked. "Yeah, I found something, just not in the sewer." Dean said.

Dean emerges from the sewer and enteres the alley where the Impala is parked. All four tires are flat. "Son of a bitch!" He exclaims in anger. He circles the car and finds a money clip on the ground, engraved with (your initials). "(y/n)!" Dean growls.

Back at the hotel, Sam and (y/n) were reading some books as Dean enters. "You think this is funny, (y/n)?" Dean asked, angrily, and she looks up at him, confused. "It depends. What?" she asked. "Th-th-th-the car!" Dean said, angrily.

"What about the car?" (y/n) asked as Sam looks between his friend and his brother. "You can't let the air out of the tires, you idiot. You're gonna bend the rims!" Dean yells. "Whoa, wait a minute. I didn't go near your car." She said, getting angry.

"Oh, yeah? Huh. Then how'd I find this?" Dean asked as he holds up the money clip. (Y/n) pats her pocket then she stands up. "Hey. Give me back my money!" She demands. "Oh, no, no. Consider it reparations. For, uh, emotional trauma." Dean said as (y/n) comes up to him.

"Yeah, very funny. Now, give it back." She said and she reaches for it. "No." Dean said, firmly, as he holds the money up and away from her. "Dean, c'mon!" Sam said, annoyed.

"Dean, I have had it up to here with you." (Y/n) said, angrily. "Yeah? Right back at you!" He spat at her. (Y/n) reaches for the money again; Dean avoids her. Sam then goes to grab it but Dean avoids him then (y/n) tackles him to the bed. They scuffle and fight like kids. 

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