If It's The Last Thing I Do

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"Danny!" Susan shouts as she runs around the house, looking for her son. "Suse, Suse, Suse. We will find Danny, I promise you." Brian assures her as he grabs her shoulder and she has a terrified look on her face. "No." she argues but Brian shakes his head. "No. Take Kate and go now. Now, while you still have a chance." he tells her. "Not without Danny." she said, firmly.

"We will find him." Brian assures her. "I am not going out there with Mom alone." Kate argues. "She's right. Until we find your son, the safest place for you right now is in the shed." Dean said and Kate looked horrified. "I am not going in there either." she said.

"Yes, you are. It is the best defense. The windows are boarded up. It's got one door. It's our best shot right now. Trust me." Dean said and Kate and Susan share a look then turn to Brian. "Suse. Kate. Go. Go." he tells them and they, reluctantly, leave the house. "All right, you, me and (y/n) will take the outside." Sam said as he points at me, him and Brian then he turns to Dean and Ted. "You two take the house. Let's go." he said and we all split off.

After checking the outside, Sam and I get the family into the shed and we stay in there and wait for Dean and Ted. We waited for them for awhile when Brian speaks up. "Look, why are we just standing here? Let's go in. Let's check the house." he said. "We have to wait for those guys to get back, okay?" I tell him and a second later, there was a knocking sound.

We turn to the door and waited until Dean's voice calls out to us. "Sam, (y/n), it's me." he said and Sam and I run towards the entrance and remove the items we put up against the door.

We open the door and Dean comes in, alone. "Did you get Danny?" Susan asked Dean. "No." Dean replied and I could tell on his face that he was upset. "No? Well, where's Ted?" Susan asked. "He's outside." Dean said.

"Well, why doesn't he come inside?" Susan asked and Dean bites his lips, like he didn't want to reveal what had happened. "Because I had to carry him out. I'm sorry." Dean said and Susan furrows her brow. "You're...what does that mean? What does that mean, you're sorry?" she asked, frantically.

"Are you saying that he's dead?" Brian asked Dean, who doesn't respond. "No. No, he's not saying that he's dead. You're not saying that, are you?" Susan asked, tearfully, and Dean lowers his head. "Dean..." I said, softly, and he sighs and looks back at Brian, Susan and Kate.

"We were in the walls and she attacked." He said and Susan gasps. "Oh my God." she cries. "And I couldn't get to him in time." Dean said and Kate begins to cry. "Uncle Ted is dead?" she asked. "I shouldn't have left him alone. I'm very sorry." Dean said and he goes back outside.

I frown then walk outside, following Dean. He was standing in the yard with his hands in his pockets. I slowly walk up to him and place a hand on his shoulder. He turns his head to me and I could see what happened to Ted bothered him.

"Dean, you did what you could." I tell him and he looks down at the ground, in regret. I raise a hand and place my hand on his cheek and run my thumb over his cheek, he places his hand over mine and kissed the palm of my hand. 

Then we hear Susan and Brian talking. "We'll find him, Suse. We will." Brian said. "Where else is there to look? Danny's dead, isn't he?" Susan asked, panicked. "No, Suse." Brian said. "He is. Why not? She killed my brother. Now she killed my son." Susan said, angrily. "No, Danny is alive." Brian argued. "No, no, he isn't." Susan yelled back. "Yes, he is. Do you remember what he said about the girl who lived in the walls? She said he could stay." he said as i remove my hand off of Dean's cheek as we look over at the shed.

"No. No. I just don't understand why this happens to us. I mean, we're good people. We're a good family." Susan said, tearfully. "What happened to Andy happened, okay? I cannot change that. But I will find Danny, I promise you. And when I do, we are gonna be fine. You and me, the kids, we're gonna be fine." Brian said, firmly. There was silence then Susan said, weakly. "Okay."

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