Vampire's Nest

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We ended up hiding in the trees and look out this old barn house where we see the door open. A man comes out and holds up his arms to shield his face as another man pulls up his car to the building and walk over to him. They talk for a bit then they head back inside.

"Son of a bitch. So they're really not afraid of the sun?" Dean asked. "Ahh, direct sunlight hurts like a nasty sunburn. The only way to kill 'em is by beheading. And yeah, they sleep during the day -- doesn't mean they won't wake up." John said. "So I guess walking right in's not our best option." I said with sarcasm. "Actually, that's the plan." John said and I turn to him. "Wait, what?" I said, shocked.

Dean opens up the trunk and we began to weapon up while John does the same from an automatic hidden compartment that slides from the back of his truck. "Dad, I've got an extra machete if you need one." Dean said as he holds it up but John unveils a massive shiny serrated edge machete from a leather holder. "I think I'm ok. Thanks." John said as Dean and I check the machete out.

"Wow." Dean mutters.

"Impressive." I said and John turns to us.

"So, you three really wanna know about this Colt?" John asked us. "Yes sir." Sam and I said as Dean nods. "It's just a story, a legend really. Well I thought it was. Never really believed it until I read Daniel's letter....Back in 1835, when Halley's comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo. They say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a hunter, a man like us only on horseback. Story goes he made thirteen bullets, and this hunter used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him. And somehow Daniel got his hands on it. They say...they say this gun can kill anything." John explains and my jaw drops at this.

"Kill anything like, supernatural anything?" Dean asked. "Like the demon?" Sam asked. "Yeah, the demon. Ever since I picked up its trail I've been looking for a way to destroy that thing. Find the gun -- we may have it." John said as he looks between us.

John jumps through the barn window and disappears into the dark building. Then one by one, Dean, Sam and I follow him and we begin to survey the room. It was all quiet as the Vampires were sleeping in hammocks.

John starts to head one way while the boys and I make our way through the barn. I pass a hammock and, accidentally, kicked an empty bottle on the ground. I freeze in place then look over at the vampires, but they didn't seem to hear it as they continued to sleep. I let out a quiet sigh of relief and continued on until I hear Sam whisper yell at me and Dean.

"Guys." He whispers and we see a woman tied up to a pole. Sam begins to untie the woman until we hear a noise. "There's more." Dean whispers as he looks behind us. I turn around and Dean and I make our way to a locked metal grid.

Inside, we could see more people tied up. All of them seemed to be sleeping or they were unconscious, it was hard to tell. I try to open the door but I could see there's a lock on the door. Dean grabs a metal hook to break the lock. Sam and I look up sharply at the noise and we look over to the hammocks. But there is no movement.

Just then the woman tied up against the pole begins to stir. "Hey. Hey hey, shh, I'm here to help you." Sam assures her when she roars, an unearthly roar. Sam rears back while Dean and I look around to see the vampires waking up. 

"Sam!" Dean and I shout and we start to get up. "Kids, run!" We hear John shout and we run as the vampires give chase. We burst out the barn doors into the daylight and run up the slope to the cars before turning to look back.

"Dad?" Dean calls out but nothing. "Dad!!" Dean calls out again. After a long pause John comes running up the slope. As soon as we see him, the boys and I turn to leave.

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