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Back at the bar, Jamie and I were sitting at a table when the boys walk over to us. "Hey. You guys all right?" Dean asked as he comes up to me. "Yeah, I think so. And I think I know what's going on." I said and I put a folded towel on the table. "Yeah?" Sam and Dean said, cautiously.

"Part of it, at least." I said and Sam opens the towel to see Dracula's ear. "Uh, the ear part?" Sam asked as Dean looks taken aback by this. "Ripped it off of Dracula's head." I said and they look at me impressed. "Touch it." I tell them and they touch the ear and they let out a noise of disgust.

"Feel familiar to you?" I asked them. "Oh, man." Sam mutters. "Skin of a shapeshifter." Dean said and I nod. "Just like St. Louis and just like Milwaukee. Of course this one's all holding buckets of crazy. Oh, and, uh..." I said and take out a medallion from my pocket and gives it to Sam.

"This, I uh, pulled it off during the fight. Look at the label on the ribbon." I said and Sam and Dean look at the label, which reads THE FX SHOP PROPHOUSE PHILADELPHIA, PA.

"It's a costume rental." Sam said and I nod. "All three monsters - the Dracula, Wolf Man, and the mummy -- all the same critter, which means we need to catch this freak before he Creature From the Black Lagoons somebody." I said as I notice Jamie looking between us.

"So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something, and The X-Files are real?" she asked us. "No, The X-Files is a TV show. This is real." Dean said. "Oh." Jamie said and she looked overwhelmed. "Okay, so, the stagecraft, the costuming…it's like he's trying to re-enact his favorite monster movie moments, right down to the bloody murders." Sam said.

"Wait a second. Who the hell is Mina?" Jamie asked. "Mina?" Sam asked and I nod. "Yeah. That's what he called Jamie. And he called me Ms. Harker." I said. "Well, Ms. Harker is actually Mr. Harker as in Jonathan Harker. They're characters from the movies and the novels -- Mina, Dracula's intended bride, Harker the fiancé that stands in the way. He must've had to improvise since you're a girl." Sam explains then he looks over at Jamie.

"Seems like he's fixating on you, like he sees you as his bride." he said. "Wow. Lucky me." Jamie said, sarcastically. "But to fixate on you, my guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you." Dean said and Sam nods then I turn to Jamie.

"Jamie, has anybody strange come to town, somebody that has taken a specific notice of you?" I asked her. "I don't know, (y/n). It's Oktoberfest. I'm a bartender. There's lots of people. I..." she stops. "...wait a second. There is Ed." She said. "Ed Brewer Ed?" Sam asked. "Yeah. He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy –" Jamie starts to explain but Dean talks over her.

"Where does Ed live?" he asked. "I don't know. But he works at the old movie theater. I think he's the projectionist there." she said and the boys look over at me. "Take care of Mina?" Sam asked me and I nod. "Yep." I said and Dean goes up to me. "Be careful." He said and I smile. "Of course." I said then Dean leans in and gives me a kiss. I kiss him back then he and Sam leave.

Later, Jamie begins to pace in front of the booth I'm sitting in. "So, monsters are real." she said, still trying to process what she learned. "Some of them, yeah." I said. "And the shapeshifter, he can turn into different people." she said. "Yeah. Yeah, except this one's turning into the great monsters of screenland, which is a new one for me." I said.

"You're not really FBI, are you?" she asked me and I shake my head. "Not so much." I said "So, this is what you do? You and your partners just tramp across the country on your own dime until you find some horrible nightmare to fight?" she asked me.

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