General And I OST (Playlist)

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孤芳不自赏 is a 2017 Chinese television series based on Feng Nong's novel A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated. The series stars Wallace Chung, Angelababy, Sun Yi Zhou and Gan Ting Ting. General and I aired on Hunan Television from January 2, 2017 to February 10, 2017.
1. William Wei (韋禮安) & Claire Kuo (郭静)
A Familiar Scenery (風景舊曾諳)
2. Wallace Chung (钟汉良) ~ A Lone Flower (一支孤芳)
3. Henry Huo (霍尊) ~ A Lonesome Fragrance (孤芳不自赏)

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25Where stories live. Discover now