长相守 is a 2020 Chinese costume drama set in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. The play is adapted from the novel of The Twin Flower Legend by Hai Piao Xue. In starring Mao Xiao Hui, Guan Zhi Bin, Yu Xiao Tong, Kai Xuan and Chen Zheng Yang. It aired on Tencent Video from May 15, 2020 to June 15, 2020.
1. Li Qi (李琦) ~ The Twin Flower Legend (长相守)
2. Ye Xuan Qing (叶炫清) ~ Like Old Acquaintances (似是故人)
3. Juno Su (苏诗丁) ~ Already Late (为时已晚)
4. Wang Jin Jin (王进进) & Hu Ling (胡玲) ~ Flowers Bloom on Island (花开彼岸)
5. Haisheng Harmony Group (海聲和音組) ~ Forest Vast Land (泉林乐土)
6. Zhang Jiang (张江) ~ Listen Snow (听雪)
7. Central Youth Radio Chorus (中央少年廣播合唱團) ~ Forest Vast Land (泉林乐土)

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25
SonstigesI like to listen to many Chinese songs because they have a good rhythm, lullaby and beat. And they have amazing ending in the dramas, some are 😃 ending and some are 😢 ending. Here are the song lyrics and ost playlist that are in together. * The Ch...