择天记 is a 2017 Chinese television series adapted from the novel of the same name. In starring Lu Han, Guli Nazha, Janice Wu and Joseph Zeng. The series aired on Hunan TV from April 17, 2017 to June 1, 2017.
1. Jason Zhang (张杰) ~ Stars (星辰)
2. Pax Congo (白舉綱) & Bi Bi Zhou (周笔畅) ~ Fated (注定)
3. Yisa Yu (郁可唯) ~ Book With No Words (无字天书)
4. Zhang Xian Zi (张弦子) ~ Love And Wish Goes Against (爱与愿违)
中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25
SonstigesI like to listen to many Chinese songs because they have a good rhythm, lullaby and beat. And they have amazing ending in the dramas, some are 😃 ending and some are 😢 ending. Here are the song lyrics and ost playlist that are in together. * The Ch...