Song from The Untamed
Pinyin Version
Xiao Zhan: Zòng zhào chèn yè fēng xiǎo mián zǎi yī zhōujiāng yān
Wǎn lái lǎn xīng guī zhāi piànliǔ yè chuī chè tiānbiān
纵棹趁夜风小眠 载一舟江烟
晚来揽星归 摘片柳叶吹彻天边
Zong Zhao takes advantage of the night breeze to sleep and carries a boat of smoke
Come to see the stars in the evening, pick a willow leaf and blow across the horizonZhǎnkāi fàn huáng de zhǐyuān huíshǒu jiù rénjiān
Jiāng dēng piāoyáo yuǎn wǎngshì suí bō rú yòu yī piān
展开泛黄的纸鸢 回首旧人间
江灯飘摇远 往事随波如又一篇
Unfolding the yellowed paper kite, looking back at the old world
The light of the river floats far away, the past follows the wave like anotherGāotái yǐ lán qián xián bēi guān huā mǎn zhǎng jiē
Xuánwǔdòng tiān yě céng jiāo xuèxǐ jiàn
高台倚栏前 衔杯观花满长街
玄武洞天 也曾浇血洗剑
In front of the high platform leaning on the railing
Xuan Wu and Dong Tian also poured blood to wash the swordJī píng kānguò ěr xīn běn yǒng jué hé jù rén yán
Zòng rù huǒhǎi réng bào huái chuí lián
讥评堪过耳 心本勇绝何惧人言
纵入火海 仍抱怀垂怜
The ridicule is beyond the ears, and the heart is brave, so why be afraid of others
Into the sea of fire, still hugging pityYě céng xiào duó jiǔ tán jiàn tiāo gū sū shílǐ chūn
Wúguān shēngsǐ shì lǎo lái jǐn zuò jiānghú shī zhōng rén
也曾笑夺酒坛 剑挑姑苏十里春
无关生死事 老来尽作江湖诗中人
I also laughed and grabbed the wine world and I used my sword to pick Gu Su Shi and Li Chun
Has nothing to do with life and death, I'm always a man of poemsChuāngwài yùlán yǐng shēn qián shēng shì mèng háishì zhēn
Géshì chūnqiū hòu xī nián yīnguǒ jiē shì céng tīngwén ~
窗外玉兰影深 前生是梦还是真
隔世春秋后 昔年因果皆是曾听闻 ~
Magnolia outside the window has a deep shadow, was it a dream or a reality in my previous life
After the spring and autumn, the cause and effect in the past are all heard ~Shēn yǔn bú yè tiān shéi xìn niánshào wú xūyán
Wèi yì zhī nuò yě céng xuē dí shě jiàn
身陨不夜天 谁信年少无虚言
为义之诺 也曾削笛舍剑
Whoever believes that there is no falsehood when young
For the promise of righteousness, I also cut the flute swordLiúyán rèn zài qián dānxīn yóu rè héxū lái biàn
Shìshì jiē qiān rén qiānyán qiān miàn
流言任在前 丹心犹热何须来辩
世事皆千人 千言千面
Rumors are in front of you, why do you have to argue with your loyalty
Thousands of people in the worldYě céng jīng hóng guòyǎn zhǐ jiān qīng tiāo juǎn yún wén
Wúduān yǐn xián zhèn yuánhé mèng zhōng shēn jì nà yīshùn
也曾惊鸿过眼 指尖轻挑卷云纹
无端引弦震 缘何梦中深记那一瞬
I've also been shocked, lightly picking up the curling moire pattern
Why do you remember that moment in your dreamShù xiàluò yīng fēnfēn cǐkè shì mèng háishì zhēn
Xiéxíng yúnyóu hòu shì wài jiānghú jiē shì jù zhuàn wén ~
树下落英纷纷 此刻是梦还是真
偕行云游后 世外江湖皆是据传闻 ~
The trees are falling down, is it a dream or a reality at this moment
After traveling together, the world outside the world is all according to rumors ~All: Dānxīn héxū yán zài kǒu héngdí xián chuī luò xīngdǒu
Shǐ wǒ tú yǒu shēnhòu míng bùrú jíshí yībēi jiǔ ~
丹心何须言在口 横笛闲吹落星斗
使我徒有身后名 不如及时一杯酒 ~
Why don't you have to say something in your mouth
I have a name behind me, it's better to have a glass of wine in time ~Xiao Zhan: Yě céng huái yōng rénjiān shǐ wǒ dú xiǎng yīzhī chūn
Wúguān shēngsǐ shì yuánhé jǐn zuò jiānghú shī zhōng rén
也曾怀拥人间 使我独享一枝春
无关生死事 缘何尽作江湖诗中人
I have embraced the world so that I can enjoy a spring by myself
It has nothing to do with life and deathMén wài shēng qiǎnyǐng shēn xiāngféng shì mèng háishì zhēn
Géshì chūnqiū hòu qián shēng yīnguǒ zhōng huì luòchéng hén ~
门外声浅影深 相逢是梦还是真
隔世春秋后 前生因果终会落成痕 ~
The sound outside the door is shallow and the shadow is deep, is the meeting a dream or true
After the spring and autumn period, pre-life cause and effect will eventually become a mark ~

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25
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