Song from The Glory of Tang Dynasty 2
Ren Jia Lun: Shān yī chéng shuǐ yī chéng jǐnxiù línglóng
Mèng yīshēng niàn yīshēng fēihuā luò hóng
Cháoxī yuè yǒu yíng suì yòu zēng róngyào qīngsōng
Miè yòu shēngdé yòu rēng
山一程 水一程 锦绣玲珑
梦一生 念一生 飞花落红
潮汐月有盈 岁又增 荣耀青松
灭又生 得又扔
The mountain is a journey, the water is a journey, beautiful and exquisite
Dreaming a lifetime, reading a lifetime, flying flowers fall into red
The tide moon is full, the year grows, the glory of the pine
Die and regenerate, have to throw againWēn xiāng ruǎn yù gùpàn wàn qiān róng chǒng jīng mù
Ēn zhòng qíng nóng tài cōngcōng
Fēi dāo bá jiàn lì wǎn jīnzūnyù zhǎn bù huàn
Dà mèng xǐng fēng xiào chángkōng
温香软玉顾盼 万千荣宠惊慕
恩重情浓 太匆匆
飞刀拔剑力挽 金樽玉盏不换
大梦醒 风啸长空
Wen Xiang nephrite Gu Pan, thousands honorable admiration
Kindness and affection too hurried
Throw a sword, Jin Zun and jade can't be changed
Wake up from a big dreamZhìcǐ yīshēng céng shì cháng fēng wànlǐ de xiāng sòng
Yībù yī yáo yīduàn huímóu zhōng
Dé cǐ yīshēng shì nà báijūguòxì de xiāng yōng
Wú yǐng wú zōng yīzhāoyīxī fēngyǔ zhōng
至此一生 曾是长风万里的相送
得此一生 是那白驹过隙的相拥
无影无踪 一朝一夕 风雨中
So far, my life has been a farewell to each other
Shaking one step at a time, looking back
This whole life is the embrace of the white horse
Without a trace overnight in the wind and rainWēn xiāng ruǎn yù gùpàn wàn qiān róng chǒng jīng mù
Ēn zhòng qíng nóng tài cōngcōng
Fēi dāo bá jiàn lì wǎn jīnzūnyù zhǎn bù huàn
Dà mèng xǐng fēng xiào chángkōng
温香软玉顾盼 万千荣宠惊慕
恩重情浓 太匆匆
飞刀拔剑力挽 金樽玉盏不换
大梦醒 风啸长空
Wen Xiang nephrite Gu Pan, thousands honorable admiration
Kindness and affection too hurried
Throw a sword, Jin Zun and jade can't be changed
Wake up from a big dreamZhìcǐ yīshēng céng shì cháng fēng wànlǐ de xiāng sòng
Yībù yī yáo yīduàn huímóu zhōng
Dé cǐ yīshēng shì nà báijūguòxì de xiāng yōng
Wú yǐng wú zōng yīzhāoyīxī fēngyǔ zhōng
至此一生 曾是长风万里的相送
得此一生 是那白驹过隙的相拥
无影无踪 一朝一夕 风雨中
So far, my life has been a farewell to each other
Shaking one step at a time, looking back
This whole life is the embrace of the white horse
Without a trace overnight in the wind and rainZhìcǐ yīshēng céng shì cháng fēng wànlǐ de xiāng sòng
Yībù yī yáo yīduàn huímóu zhōng
Dé cǐ yīshēng shì nà báijūguòxì de xiāng yōng
Wú yǐng wú zōng yīzhāoyīxī fēngyǔ zhōng
至此一生 曾是长风万里的相送
得此一生 是那白驹过隙的相拥
无影无踪 一朝一夕 风雨中
So far, my life has been a farewell to each other
Shaking one step at a time, looking back
This whole life is the embrace of the white horse
Without a trace overnight in the wind and rainWú yǐng wú zōng yīzhāoyīxī fēngyǔ zhōng
无影无踪 一朝一夕 风雨中
Without a trace overnight in the wind and rain

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25
RandomI like to listen to many Chinese songs because they have a good rhythm, lullaby and beat. And they have amazing ending in the dramas, some are 😃 ending and some are 😢 ending. Here are the song lyrics and ost playlist that are in together. * The Ch...