芸汐传 is a 2018 Chinese television series based on the novel Poison Genius Consort. It stars Ju Jing Yi in the title role alongside Zhang Zhe Han and Merxat Yalkun. The series airs on iQiyi from June 25, 2018 to August 15, 2018 for 48 episodes.
Due to its success an additional 2 episodes was added nearing the series' finale.
1. Ju Jing Yi (鞠婧祎) ~ Falling Flowers And Mud (落花成泥)
2. Ju Jing Yi (鞠婧祎) ~ Sighs of Yunxi (叹云兮)
3. Lin Si Yi (林思意) ~ Crimson Rouge (胭脂绯红)Bonus Soundtrack
1. Zhang Zhe Han (张哲瀚) ~ Sighs of Yunxi (嘆雲兮)
2. Zhang Zhe Han (张哲瀚) & Ju Jing Yi (鞠婧祎) ~ Sighs of Yunxi (叹雲兮)
中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25
DiversosI like to listen to many Chinese songs because they have a good rhythm, lullaby and beat. And they have amazing ending in the dramas, some are 😃 ending and some are 😢 ending. Here are the song lyrics and ost playlist that are in together. * The Ch...