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0 || the betrayal

ON THE night of Halloween, 1981, Sirius Black ran to the Potter's house. It was his fault, he had suggested they make Pettigrew the secret keeper after suspecting Remus.

By the time Sirius had gotten there the rain was pouring and the wind howling, the street had been blown up, and everything in the house was off and no movement was in sight.

Until Pettigrew came out of the shadows.

"Sirius... I swear, I didn't mean for this to happen." He said cautiously as he approached the grief stricken man.

Sirius' eyes darted up to the man he once called a friend, "Tell me they're not dead Peter! Tell me that you didn't tell Voldemort where to find our friends and their child!"

"Please Padf-"

"No! You meant what you did. Is this what you've been planning all along? Get close to us, only to kill us at the last second?"

Peter still tried to reason with his friend, "I'm sorry. You don't understand him. He has his ways."

"You could've come to us Peter!" Sirius shouted, his voice quivering slightly, "We could've helped you and none of this would've happened!"

"I'm sorry."

"You know I have a wife and child back home Peter. I wanted my little girl to grow up with her uncles! You've taken that away." The black haired said infuriated.

Instead of arguing any longer, Pettigrew change into his animagus form and ran off leaving Sirius in front of Godric's Hollow alone, "I'll be home soon Addie, I promise." He whispered to himself but before he could enter the house Aurors showed up around him.

"Sirius Black. You're under arrest for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and for your crimes against the Wizarding World while associating with Voldemort."

His wand was stripped from him and he was taken to ministry where they didn't even bother to give him a trial, apparently all the evidence pointed to Sirius Black being guilty, so what was the need of the trial.

"Can I say goodbye to my wife and child?" Sirius questioned hopefully.

"That's funny." An auror chuckled, "You won't be seeing them again Black. Azkaban is a cold, dark place and they don't allow visitors. Enjoy your stay."

When Marlene McKinnon found out what had happened to her husband that night she couldn't keep it together. She and her daughter were now the last from the McKinnon family after the rest had been murdered and now Sirius was sentenced to Azkaban for the rest of his life for crimes he never even committed.

Lily and James' child had survived that night but when Marlene tried to take the boy in Dumbledore protested and refused, sending the boy to live with his muggle family.

Marlene despised the old man after that, Harry Potter was sent to muggles, who he knew to be abusive and did nothing to help.

However, despite all the terrible things happening around her, Marlene still had her daughter, Adelaide Nova Mckinnon-Black. She had decided that keeping the Black last name was the right thing to do and that it didn't matter who thought Sirius was guilty because Marlene believed him to be innocent.

Adelaide's time growing up was spent in the countryside with her mother and godmother, Mary Macdonald. She was one of Marlene's only remaining friends, given that Remus had cut off all contact with the women.

Another shocking reveal, Walburga Black, Adelaide's grandmother, and Regulus Black, her uncle, had accepted her into the Black family. She had a spot on the family tree in 12 Grimmauld Place and had her own fortune.

Marlene had a very high payed job working at the Ministry, but it sometimes requires for her to go abroad. Meaning that Adelaide would be dropped off with her Uncle and the Black family would look after her for a couple weeks, a month at most.

The young girl would constantly be passed around, until the age of ten when Walburga passed away. Marlene practically forced Regulus to live with her claiming it wasn't good for a young man to live with a murderous house elf in a creepy house all alone. So Kreacher and Regulus were now staying with the last remaining McKinnon descendants, plus Mary when she came to give her goddaughter a new stylish outfit.

This became normal for Adelaide, in her house she had her mother, who didn't seem emotionally stable, her Uncle, who cared so deeply for her that he would hex anyone who looked at her the wrong way, her godmother, who was a great stylist and was always dressing her up, and finally, Kreacher, the two surprisingly had a good friendship, the elf would get the young girl anything she wanted at any time and Adelaide always made sure that he was alright.

The one thing she was missing was her father. She hated the man. Sirius Black. The mass murderer. The one who sold out his friends and murdered another. The one who killed a bunch of muggles. The one who got himself locked up in Azkaban forgetting that he had a wife and daughter back home.


I hate Dumbledore so much. Like I despise him with every inch of my body.
Anyways, meet Adelaide Nova Mckinnon-Black. Not much about her but a little backstory. Marlene is alive and believes Sirius is innocent. Sirius is in Azkaban. Regulus survived because he actually took some swimming lessons. Walburga was a nice person after realising her actions were wrong (not excusing the way she treated Sirius and Regulus in the actual plot but this is a fanfic and the characters have different personalities). James and Lily are DEAD. Remus is off doing something werewolfy. Mary is an absolute icon. Unfortunately Dorcas is dead but that's okay because we can get some heaven quotes from her watching down on her niece. And yeah, that's it really.

~ Chloe <3

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