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70 || christmas without you

December 25 rolled around quickly. After the confrontation with Dumbledore and cursing out the whole Order, Adelaide decided it would be better to remain at her house for Christmas. Regulus agreed, planning to stay at the house up until Christmas lunch and then going over to Grimmauld Place to see everyone else.

"Ads. Wake up, it's fucking Christmas," Theo shouted in excitement, he was like a little kid sometimes.

"Alright I'm up," Adelaide groaned, "Am I allowed to shower? Or must I go downstairs at this exact moment?"

"Downstairs. Right now," Theo ordered.

Groggily, Adelaide pushed the duvet off her and threw on some fluffy socks before following her best friend to the living room.

"Merry Christmas!" Regulus cheered, "I've got croissants ready to go with coffee brewed."

Adelaide smiled, "That's amazing."

The three sat on the sofa watching a Christmas movie that was on the TV while opening presents.

"Adelaide," Theo sang, "For you."

"Salazar, I'm scared. It's not going to jump at me is it?" Adelaide joked. She ripped off the wrapping paper revealing a scrapbook, filled with their memories, she flicked through the pages until she came to the last one. There was a small pouch and in it was a silver ring.

"I've got the same one as well," Theo said, bringing his out, "Reg helped me charm them so if you're ever in trouble you just hold down on it for five seconds and it will alert me. And vice versa obviously."

Adelaide looked at her friend, "Thank you so much. I love them." She put the scrapbook aside and put the ring on, "Alright. Now yours."

Theo took the wrapped box from her and peeled off the paper, "Shut the fuck up!"

"What is it?" Regulus asked.

Theo pulled out the jacket with a grin on his face, "It's a T-Bird jacket. From Grease."

"It's a joke," Adelaide said, "I call him T-Bird from time to time and we love Grease so I pulled a few strings."

"I'm going to praise you forever Adelaide Black," Theo laughed, shoving the jacket on, "Do I look cool?"

"So cool."

Regulus chuckled, "Alright. Here's mine to you two."

He handed Adelaide a small black box and Theo a bag.

"Theo, there's a whiskey in there. The best one in my opinion, don't tell anyone I've gifted it to you."

"No worries, I'll down it all so there's no evidence."

Adelaide opened the box and saw a green necklace with the Black crest on it, "It was my mothers, your grandmas. It's a Black heirloom, given to the women of the family. My mother wanted to give it to you herself but as it's a coming of age gift she couldn't."

"You're so fancy now," Theo joked.

"Thank you Reg."

Regulus had been gifted a Queen record from Theo and from Adelaide a watch that actually told the time unlike the one he owned.

"Theo? Would you mind cutting up the carrots for me quick?" Regulus asked.

Theo seemed to take the hint that Regulus wanted a moment alone with Adelaide and gave his best friend a peck on the forehead before speeding into the kitchen.

"Marl bought your Christmas present a while ago," Regulus started, "And the burden has fallen to me to give it to you."

Adelaide stared at him, tears pricking in her eyes, "So, here you go."

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