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8 || mckinnon christmas

ADELAIDE stepped off the train at the platform. Going home for Christmas was always the plan, it had been since first year. Adelaide never spent a Christmas at Hogwarts.

Already waiting for her was Marlene and Mary, they were stood with big smiles on their faces.

"Mum! Mar!" Adelaide exclaimed as she dropped her luggage at her feet.

"My little girl," Marlene cooed, despite the fact that she knew Adelaide hated it, "How's school been?"

"Any boys?" Mary asked with a smirk.

"No boys."

"Of course Marlene. No boys Adelaide." She then bent down to whisper, "Any boys?"

"I'll tell you back home." Adelaide whispered back.

"You two better not be conspiring." Marlene shouted from in front of them.

"Of course not mum."

They were all one big family, like no matter what came their way nothing could split them up.

The McKinnon house was moderately big. It had been passed down through the McKinnon family and now it belonged to Marlene. It was unlike most of the other bigger houses in the Wizarding World, they were grey and gloomy, this house was bright and fun. Plants were growing in the front garden. The sun always shone down on it. There was always something exciting going on inside. And every Christmas things were decorated to the max.

"Uncle Reg! Cookies! Now!" Adelaide shouted up to her uncle.

"Merlin Addie!" Regulus huffed as he walked into the kitchen, "What's the rush?"

"The rush is that the Delacour's get here in five hours. In those five hours we must finish the decorating and Christmas dinner, bake a cake for them, and finally make Fleur cookies because we will be having a midnight feast."

It was Christmas Eve and the Delacour's were coming over like they did every holiday. No one really knows how these two family's became close, just that Marlene had met them in France when she went to visit Mary and they had been close ever since. The eldest daughter, Fleur Delacour, was like an older sister to Adelaide. They had been best friends since they were young and had a connection that even Theo, Alex and Tori didn't have with Adelaide.

"Calm down Adds." Regulus chuckled and started grabbing the ingredients from the kitchen cupboards, "The Delacour's wont mind if its a little crazy, they've been coming over for years."

"I know. I just-" A crash at the window practically gave them a heart attack.

"Hedwig? What the fffffudge." Adelaide smiled awkwardly.

"Good one Adds."

She rushed over to the bird who looked like she had been flying for days, "He came through the barrier." Adelaide stated as she looked over the owl.

"Stupid bird." Regulus muttered.

"Just make some cookies Reggie."

Adelaide rushed the owl up to her room, hiding the package under her sweatshirt so Marlene or Mary didn't question her, "Come on girl, I think I've still got a bit of potion left."

After the attack on the McKinnon's in the First Wizarding War, Marlene put protections around the grounds so if you did somehow get in you'd forget why you were there and pass out. Hedwig clearly didn't see the glimmer and flew right into it.

The great thing about the wards also meant that magic could be done unprotected in them. Meaning that Adelaide could use her magic here.

"Here you go Hedwig, drink up. Come on you little- nope. Don't get angry at an owl. Especially one that is injured."

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