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30 || vodka

ADELAIDE was released from the deadly clutches of Madam Pomfrey soon after and was back to trying to drown her sorrows with alcohol and drugs. She didn't know why her argument with Regulus had hit her so hard, maybe it was because she did see him as a father figure and the thought of loosing him made her want to jump off the astronomy tower.

"Adelaide! Snape out of it!" Theo snapped his fingers in front of his friend, "What's going on with you? You've been acting off since your trip to the hells of Pomfrey."

Adelaide said nothing but took another swing of the vodka in her hand, "It's family drama, T-Bird, just Regulus being a dramatic bitch and me being a bloody twat."

Theo steadied her as she took another step on the staircase, they had been on this one for ten minutes already, "Alright, we're going to sit down and talk. Without the vodka."

It was almost midnight and if they got caught right now, especially with vodka and cigarettes, they'd be expelled for sure.

"You and Regulus both said some dumb things," Theo started, "You said some shit and he said some shit. But you're a part of the Black family, both of you, you kinda have a tendency to be a bit dramatic."

"I do not!"

"Hush, I'm talking child," Theo said, "You know Regulus wants to protect you, after all, he raised you like his own, he's been there for you when you break down because it's your time of the month and Marls are the last of the chocolate. And you've been there for him whenever he's come home sobbing because he's single and is never going to get a girlfriend. You and Regulus are more than family, you're best friends. And best friends fight all the time, like you literally punched Alex last year, refused to talk to Astoria and there's got to be something you've done to me."

"Is there a point to this other than making me feel bad? Because that's where this has headed."

"I'm saying that you two will make up," Theo sighed, "Apologise to him. You'll never know when that first grey hair will come through and at that point, his time will be limited."

Adelaide chuckled softly, "Thanks Theo, I needed that," She whispered, "Now gimme back my vodka before I throw you down these stairs."


THANKFULLY it had been a Friday evening when Theo and Adelaide had their little trip (plus therapy session) and they had the weekend to do whatever.

The blonde Slytherin stepped into the great hall in a fresh pair of joggers and one of Laurent's hoodies, it was nearing ten o'clock and almost everyone had left to do what they wanted. The only person left (who Adelaide knew) in the Great Hall was Draco who sat with a glum expression as he scooped another spoonful of porridge.

Adelaide internally complained but nonetheless sat down opposite him and began piling food onto her plate, "Hey ferret boy, why're you so late this morning?"

"Didn't get much sleep, how about you?"

"Hangover," Adelaide stated, "Wanna come drink with us tonight?"

"Adelaide, you're my second favourite cousin, but I don't want to stoop to your alcoholic level."

The blonde smiled, "You're tired so I'm not going to take that personally."

The two cousins sat in a comfortable silence as they ate the remainder of their breakfasts, occasionally someone would come by to greet the two but that was that. They didn't speak much but they didn't need to, Draco refused to admit he was ever wrong and Adelaide despised that of him but through thick and thin he was her cousin.

"If you wanna hang out, we'll be at the Quidditch Pitch at ten," Adelaide said and stood up, "Tori would really like to see you." She didn't miss the way his face sort of brightened at the mention of Astoria and it made her think that maybe they were right for each other, but then again it's Draco.


REGULUS was sat in the front room a knock sounded from the door. Marlene was at work and Remus was away for the time so it couldn't have been them. He placed down his drink and stepped into the hallway. Under normal circumstances his heart wouldn't be beating this fast and his hands wouldn't be sweating but things had changed in the past months.

The knocking continued as Regulus twisted the knob slowly and took a deep breath. As the door slowly opened a smiling Sirius Black appeared, "Hi Reg! How are you?"

The younger of the two sighed and quickly shoved his brother into the house harshly, "What are you doing here? You're a fugitive, Sirius!"

"Well, I'll tell you brother, that's news to me," Sirius laughed, "Oh come on, lighten up Reg, I just wanted to spend some quality bonding time with my brother."

"Now you do. When we were younger you wanted nothing to do with me and left me in the clutches of father," Regulus hissed, "I may have forgiven you for that but I won't ever forget it."

"I just wanted to ask how Adelaide is, she's been ignoring me," Sirius said pulling out a couple of returned letters.

"She's been ignoring everyone," Regulus stated, "After what happened the other night, I know why she's not talking to me but I think she knows about the other thing now, and I can't lose her, not when I've already lost so many people."

"Even if she has found out, she won't hold it against us, Reg, we hid it for her safety."

Regulus scoffed, "I can tell you haven't raised Adelaide. She cares for honesty above all else, if she gets a whiff we're hiding something from her, we're all done for. She's your daughter Sirius, that much has always been clear."

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