ninety four

305 9 2

94 || results

The month had flown by, and Adelaide was at St Mungos yet again.

"Adelaide, it's a pleasure to see you back on your feet," Holloway said.

Adelaide smiled, "Yeah, it's good to not have to use crutches everywhere I go."

Holloway finished up his notes from the examination, "It's feeling much better then?"

"Just the scar left," She said, "It only hurts once in a while."

"Might have to call up the heroes, because that's some super healing there," He laughed.

Adelaide was relieved. She was walking without crutches, she could run again, and she had been told that by the time Quidditch season started, she would be good to play.

"That's everything then," Holloway put his pad down, "It has been lovely getting to know you Adelaide, but I hope I never have to see you here again."

"As do I," Adelaide said, putting her jumper back on, "Have a lovely day, Nolan."

"And you Adelaide."

For the first time in the summer, Adelaide felt almost happy. There were of course other factors that were dragging her down, but she was going over to Blaise's, so they didn't really matter.

But before that, she had to see Regulus.

"Okay. This is important. O.W.L results," he said, handing her the letter, "Whatever you get, you'll still be allowed to call yourself my niece."

"Thanks Reg," Adelaide smiled, "I'm honoured."

She peeled open the seal and took a breath. This only determined whether or not she could take her N.E.W.T subjects which could lead to her getting a good job so she doesn't end up destitute.

"Oh for Salazar's sake," Regulus groaned, "Open the bloody thing."

This is to certify that the candidate named below, sat the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, conducted by the Wizarding Examination Authority and obtained the following results:

Candidate: Adelaide Nova Black

Year of Exam: June 1996

Examination Centre: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry







Defence Against the Dark Arts


Ancient Runes










History of Magic


Regulus snatched the paper, then stared in shock, "Fucking hell. Nine O's and only one A. You're a genius."

"I know."

"So, what you planning on taking?"

Adelaide had thought long and hard about this last year, and while she was debating her career choices at that time, she wasn't now, "Defence, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and I'll throw in Ancient Runes."

He nodded, "Smart," Regulus then pulled something else out of his pocket, "Hogwarts letter for this year."

Adelaide hummed and opened it as she did every other year, then her eyes fell on it, "Quidditch captain? I thought Snape would surely give it to Draco. This is mental."

Regulus pat her shoulder, "Well done kiddo. So, what time will you be back?" Regulus asked, "It can't be too late."

Adelaide shrugged, "I don't know. If its late I'll stay at Blaise's. Don't worry, we can trust him and his mother."

"I know," He said, pecking her forehead, "Have fun."

"There's the beautiful girl," Blaise cheered as he opened his front door, "Oh, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Adelaide grinned, "So, drinks?"


Blaise was apparently a lightweight, something Adelaide had never noticed. Literally two drinks in, he was stumbling and going on about random subjects. Adelaide was sober.

"I think that Hermione Granger is kind of pretty," Blaise slurred, leaning back on the sofa, "Especially last year. Merlin. She was gorgeous."

Adelaide nodded, "Oh, I know Blaise. I had a crush on her for a bit. Then realised she was straight."

"I wish everyone would just love everyone. Like why does gender matter? If I like a boy, it should be considered in the same way I like a girl," He stated, "If you're kissing a girl, it shouldn't be fetishized."

"The world is unfair Blaise."

"I know, I know. More so to you," Blaise frowned, "It has been so unkind to you. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Adelaide said, "It's not your fault."

He wrapped his arm around her, "No, but I feel like I should protect you, because you're such a good friend. And I love you."

"I love you too, Blaise."

Blaise smiled, looking into her eyes. Then it happened almost instantly, his lips on hers. Adelaide initially froze, she wasn't over Harry, but then again, this didn't have to mean anything.

She pulled back, looking at her friend, "Oh shit, Adelaide I'm-" She didn't let him finish, kissing him harshly, their lips moving in sync. Blaise pulled her onto his lap, putting his hands on her waist to steady Adelaide, "No strings?"

"Strings none," Adelaide confirmed, putting her lips to his neck as Blaise let his head fall back.

The front door creaked open loudly, "Blaise! I'm home. Is Adelaide still here?"

Blaise smiled, "Uh, yeah mum. We're going to play cards in my room."

"Okay, I'll be in the garden if you need me."

Adelaide laughed, taking Blaise's hand and running up the stairs and into this room, "Hey, you sure?"

Blaise nodded, "I'm sure. Actually, quick question, we're still friends, yeah?"

"Of course, you idiot."

He smiled, taking her to the bed, "Great. We're friends."

"Just friends."

god i hate writing kissing

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