one hundred

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100 || the meeting

Thought went into this. Lots of thought. Should she knock? What would she say? Adelaide didn't know. But the door swung open, and Neville smiled.

"Adelaide!" He exclaimed, "How are you?"

"I'm good, um is Harry here?"

Neville looked back and seemed to be mouthing back and forth, "Not right now. He's um, showering,"

"Well, tell Potter he owes me for the Liquid Luck and to meet me with the map in the dungeons in an hour." Adelaide said.


"He'll know."

Seamus gladly walked her back out, rambling about his summer and his trip to Ireland, "Harry misses you."


He shrugged, "I hear him and Ron talking, they aren't good whisperers."

"Doesn't surprise me, but I really don't care Seamus," Adelaide stated, "Thanks for walking me, I'll be fine from here."

He waved her off awkwardly and Adelaide had a nice stroll back to the dungeons and into her own common room where Blaise was waiting.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"She said 'someone' Blaise. I think she means Lucas." Adelaide took a seat next to him, "We were all there last year, the only one who really made it out of the ministry alive was Lucas, but what good has that done him. If I have to put myself in danger to save him, I will."

He nodded, "It's a good thing I'm here then, because nothing bad will happen. I've been told I'm not only an excellent wingman but also a good option for back up."

"Mhm, I'll keep that in mind."

A long hour had passed playing Go Fish and Blaise and Adelaide stood in the corridor, awaiting Harry.

"What's he doing here?"

Adelaide turned around, "Blaise is helping me."

"Uh huh, and why do you need the map?"

"Trying to sneak out and buy some cigarettes," Adelaide lied with ease, "Like I told Neville, you owe me, so hand it over, it did belong to my dad and Uncle too."

Harry gave up and shoved it into her hands, "Don't lose it, and give it back to me tonight."

With a reassuring nod from Adelaide, Harry sauntered back to the common room and Blaise looked down at the map, "So, what exactly is so special about it?"

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," Adelaide recited, and the map opened up, "My dad and his friends made it back in ye olden days, then it was passed to the Weasley twins who obviously told me about it, and they unfortunately passed it to Harold."

"That's sick," Blaise said in awe.

"I know, now let's go, Snape's getting close."

The trip to Hogsmead was slow, they were continuously side tracked from teachers doing the rounds but finally they made it.

"Did she say where to meet?"

"Nope, just Hogsmead."

A strange old lady came up to them, "She's waiting for you behind Zonkos."

"Excuse me?"

"She's waiting for you behind Zonkos."

Adelaide nodded, "Imperius, I'm guessing."

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