twenty five

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25 || forgiveness

ADELAIDE felt sorry for Harry. She knew what he was feeling, being shunned by the school, having whispers follow you everywhere. He couldn't avoid every single person in the school while attending lessons. Plus it was clear that the rest of the school, much like the Gryffindor's, believed Harry had put his name in, though unlike the Gryffindor's they did not seem impressed by this.

The only person, besides Hermione really, that Harry was happy to see was Adelaide, although they never spent much time together as she was constantly being pulled in different directions 24/7, in her words, 'the life of a popular.'

The first day back the Slytherins and the Gryffindor's had Care of Magical Creatures, although Adelaide had dropped it along with Theo so they sat in McGonagall's classroom alongside a room of second years who were nervously looking at the two fourth years.

"All I'm saying Minnie, is that it's my birthday in like five days or something and you still haven't asked me out," Adelaide huffed, "That's so rude. Honestly, I'm going to have to call Reggie to see how the single life is."

"Miss McKinnon-Black, that is highly inappropriate," McGonagall began, "If I were to take anyone I'd take the one with more manners. Someone like Mr Nott."

Adelaide gasped loudly as Theo threw his head back with laughter, "Minerva! How! Dare! You!"

McGonagall grinned before reopening the biscuit tin, "Take another and quiet down MB."

The blonde slouched back in the seat, also sending a smile to a curious second year, "Hey, what's your name?"

The boy looked around as if Adelaide were talking to someone else, "Ryan." He answered sheepishly.

"Hiya Ryan, what are you working on?" By now Adelaide had loved her chair to the boys table and was helping him with his work. McGonagall smiled at her, as much as she was like her father there was always a part of Marlene within her.


THE NEXT few days were like heaven to Adelaide. Her and Laurent were better than ever, the quartet had been hanging out more, Harry and Lucas had somehow become friends in all of this and Adelaide had her little protégé, Ryan Trip.

Currently the Slytherin fourth year was hanging out with the Hufflepuff second year in the library where Adelaide was supposed to be helping with his homework but she was actually being questioned on her life.

"Your dad is literally Sirius Black. The mass murderer," Ryan ranted, "That's so cool. My dad's a chemist."

"Your dad's around though, I hate my dad."

"What about your boyfriend?"

"Laurent isn't my boyfriend," Adelaide stated, her heart aching, she so wanted to be in an official relationship.

"What about that girl I saw you with yesterday? I'm pretty sure her names Olivia. Slytherin."

Ryan flushed red and refused to look at Adelaide, "Liv? She's my friend. Besides, her parents hate me already for just talking to her."

The blonde gave him a sympathetic look, she was lucky in terms of friends and family status. Despite being a half blood, Adelaide was still a part of the noble house of black and was granted a spot on the family tree, not to mention she was Slytherin. None of her friends parents really gave a shit she hung out with them.

"The Wizarding World needs to change," Adelaide stated, "It's divided into the supremacists, the rich, the poor, the muggle borns, the blood traitors, how does being who you are define you as a person for the rest of your life? You know Ryan, I was told that you know who isn't even pureblood yet he stuck to the beliefs that they're above everyone. I mean for merlins sake this world is hypocritical."

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