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13 || the big reveal

ALEX AND Adelaide had gotten over their quarrel quickly, they both had the tendency to overreact at times and neither truly meant to hurt the other. Alex mentally and Adelaide physically.

"Did you know that nine percent of our bodies is made up of fish scales?" Theo asked the group at breakfast.

"That's so not true." Astoria stated, not even bothering to look up at the boy.

"No. No it is. Watch this. Oi Fred! Isn't it true we're made up of fish scales?"

Fred Weasley smirked mischievously and moved over to the third years, "Why yes it is my ickle snakes. It's like we have fish living inside of us."

"Frederick. Stop messing around." Angelina Johnson dragged the boy back over to the Gryffindor table with an eye roll.

"So," Adelaide began, "End of year exams over. No boy trouble. Dad still on the loose. I am ready for a nice summer."

"I am ready for a summer at yours Nova. With your hot mum." Alex smirked.

"Oh my- stop Ally!"

That's how the last couple of weeks of school went. Stress free and ultimately fun. The Golden Trio were yet to bother Adelaide so they must've moved on with their lives. Good for them. Though she did kind of miss Harry, she wanted to get over this stupid crush.

She was happy until that one night. The one night that changed her life completely.

To start with, Adelaide was rushing around the corridors. If her memory served right she and the twins had pulled a prank on Filch and the caretaker was getting dangerously close to Adelaide. That's when she saw Lupin's classroom and snuck in.

"Moony? Moons? You in here?"

With no response she crept up to his office in the hopes of stealing some chocolate. Completely disregarding the map on the desk, Adelaide made for the cupboards where she grabbed one of Remus' chocolate bars and began to walk out. But at that moment the map did catch her eye, but not just the map. The names.

Sirius Black.

With Harry and Hermione.

At first she thought it was a mistake, Harry wouldn't be able to be in the same place as Sirius without killing him. But the map was never wrong.

In a split decision Adelaide started for the courtyard. She didn't know what she was planning to do. Arrest him? Shout at him? Kill him? Whatever it was she wasn't going to let him get away.

Arriving in the courtyard you could say Adelaide was confused but that was an understatement. Why the hell was Harry smiling at Sirius Black?

"I'm sorry." She announced herself to the group who turned in panic, "Am I missing something here?"

"Adelaide! Be quiet!" Harry hissed.

"What the fuck is going on?"

"He's innocent Adelaide!" Hermione exclaimed, "It was Pettigrew all along!"

Sirius Black looked down at the floor, he couldn't bear to meet his daughter's eyes, "Harry? Is this true?"

"Yeah. But Pettigrew's escaped so Sirius can't reveal himself yet." Harry added with a glare at Hermione.

For the first time Adelaide took in her father, he was looking ragged. Still in his clothes from Azkaban and his hair long and dirty, "Dad?"

Sirius hadn't been called that in years and looked up in astonishment, "Hey mini foot." He whispered.

Adelaide didn't waste a second, she crashed into her dad and ignored the terrible smell that was radiating off him.

"Oh this is nice." Sirius muttered.

"Yeah. But you smell really bad so I'm going to step away now."

"Good idea."

The elder Black held his daughter by her shoulders and took in her appearance, she did look a lot like Marlene but that glimmer of trouble in her eyes was his, "Merlin you've grown. You aren't a little pup anymore."

Adelaide held back a remark seeing as the maurader would probably be able to think of a better comeback.

"I've missed you."

"I know." Sirius said and a stray tear fell from his eye, "and you're going to have to miss me a little longer."

"What- dad!"

"You can't know Adelaide! There's too much danger around you." He stated.

"This isn't fair," Adelaide sniffled, "I've waited so long to have you back."

"Wait a little longer. I'll be back when the time is right." Sirius wiped his own tears and Adelaide, "As it is, you can't trust me. Not completely. Which means we can't be a proper family, not yet anyway."

"I don't want to lose you."

At this point Harry and Hermione were completely back away, keeping an eye out to give the father and daughter privacy.

"I'll always be watching."

"That sounds so stalkerish." Adelaide laughed.

"Yeah. Yeah it does."

Sirius had longed for this for years, in Azkaban he dreamt of the day he and his daughter would reunite. He dreamt that they would bond and tell each other about their pranks. But that day never came for years, and now he had to lose her all over again.

Adelaide knew what had to happen next so she brought out her wand for him, "Here. Get it over with."

"I'm sorry. I do wish you could know I just-"

"It's dangerous and I get that. I'm surrounded by pureblood prat's everyday."

"I love you pup."

One of Adelaide regrets was not saying it back that night. Not saying 'I love you' to her dad. Because before she knew it she was back to thinking he was a murderer. Completely forgetting about the previous nights events.

Everything was a blur for her, she remembered hiding in Lupin's class and then waking up in the Hospital Wing, Fred and George had found her unconscious near the kitchens with a nasty gash on her head. But despite hearing this story, Adelaide knew she was missing something, it was like a piece of her. Something, or someone that she dearly missed.

"My fellow mateys, that is the end of our third year at Hogwarts. Here's to another four!"

am i posting this at quarter to midnight because i can't sleep? yes.
I'll do some summer at the McKinnon's chapters then it's onto gof!!
Thank you all for the support and enjoy the rest of the book
~ Chloe x

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