eighty six

294 9 6

86 || sacrifice

It seemed the walls were never ending as Adelaide stumbled, stopping every couple of minutes to catch her breath. The lights around her were dimming and her eyes growing heavier every step she took.

Adelaide knew it was now or never, she was dying, and every second was a second closer, she couldn't let her father die as well. Regulus couldn't lose two more of his family in one night, neither could Harry or Remus. And Adelaide was on the verge of death already.

The fighting was getting closer, she could tell by the spells being shouted and the crashing when they hit a wall. She wondered who was there on both sides, had Harry dragged Hermione and Ron with him, and maybe Ginny and Luna too. And Regulus, he was going to be there, along with the rest of the Order.

"Come on," Adelaide muttered to herself, "You can do this."

Her mind flickered to Alex and Astoria, they probably had no idea what was happening, they didn't know that the group of four was about to become a duo. Blaise had been her rock all year, and she hadn't even seen his after their last exam. The exam which felt so long ago now, it was almost a different time. Adelaide walked into that room thinking that where she was now was going to be the common room, already drunk on whiskey singing ABBA with Theo as they forgot about their worries.

Time is a funny thing. A year ago, it was the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric was going to die, Harry was going to win, Voldemort would make his return. A year ago, Adelaide found out the truth about her family, Marlene wasn't her mother, Alexis Lore was, now Adelaide wished she never hoped to meet Alexis because she brought pain and more death to her life. Less than a year ago, Marlene McKinnon died, Adelaide thought that was going to be the most horrific event, but this topped it. A couple of moths ago, Adelaide kissed Harry, he healed her heart, made her smile again when she needed it, she was leaving him behind now, they hadn't even started their story. Adelaide and Theo argued not long ago, they didn't speak for two months, all that time spent holding their grudges could've been spent together, because now Adelaide regretted it, and she wished she could turn back time to change it.

He was gone. Her brother, her found family. All those years spent together had vanished, overcome by the terrible events of the night. Adelaide Black and Theo Nott would never annoy Snape together again, they'd never laugh over lunch, or cry over school. All that was left was the distant memory of the pair, tainted by hatred, tainted by war.

Adelaide fell to the floor, clutching her stomach as it sent a ripple of pain through her whole body. By now, she was covered in her own blood, starting to question if she had any left in her. But there was no time to think, Adelaide pulled herself off the floor, gripping onto the wall to support her. There was an entrance to the room only a couple meters down, the last place she would walk into. A battleground. Her family had died in the first war, they'd been watching over her for sixteen years. Lily and James Potter. Dorcas Meadowes. Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. The McKinnon family. Walburga Black. Like Angels from heaven, they comforted her, not by being there physically, but by memory, looking back at pictures, reading diaries, memories, everything she could to feel connected to those she never got to connect with.

Bellatrix was high up, her eyes scanning the room with a smile on her face, Alexis, however, was nowhere to be seen. Adelaide had come in on the ground level, not far from the centre where she thankfully saw Sirius still alive. Her relief left when she saw Bellatrix fix her gaze on Sirius, her mouth turning upward even more into a sadistic grin.

Using all the strength she had left, Adelaide crossed over to Sirius, launching a spell at Bellatrix while shoving her dad out of the way.

Bellatrix's eyes widened in shock, she clearly thought Adelaide had died, "Missed me you little bitch," she laughed.

Adelaide gasped as she fell, "Did I?"

A crack sounded, and Bellatrix turned in horror, the wall behind her started crumbling quickly and exploded, covering Bellatrix in rubble.

With a smile on her face, Adelaide lay back, she had saved Sirius, and no one else had died. Had she changed her own prophecy?

"Adelaide!" Sirius shouted, running up to his daughter, "What happened?" His eyes fell to her stomach and the blood covered jumper that was clinging to her skin, "No."

"It's okay," Adelaide whispered, "Da- Dad look at me. It's okay."

"It's not Adelaide," Sirius said, his voice cracking, "You're only sixteen."

She forced a laugh, "I don't think age matters in a war."

Sirius grabbed her hand, "We'll get you help."

"There's no-" Adelaide coughed, blood falling from her mouth, the metallic taste becoming ever more prominent, "Just no. I don't want it."

Harry ran up to them, falling to his knees, "Godric," He gasped, "Adelaide."

"Hey Hazza," Adelaide said weakly, "You saved Sirius."

"Yeah, we did," He sniffled, "We're going to save you."

Adelaide looked up at him, "Can you just- just promise me something?"


"Promise me Natalia won't make a move on you, I hate that ratty bitch."

He smiled, "I don't need to promise, because you'll be there to protect me from her."

Adelaide felt herself slipping, "I won't. That's okay."

"Adelaide, no, you have to fight."

"I'm so tired," She said, "I want to go."

Harry looked to Sirius for help, but he was staring blankly, "Don't do this."

"It's okay, you know why?" Adelaide asked, "Because you're loved by so many. So many good people, apart from Ron, he's a git."

Harry chuckled, always counting on Adelaide to joke even when she on the verge of death, "I don't care about that."

"Then care about this," Adelaide coughed, "I- I love y- I love you, Harry."

"Please, don't say that" He cried, "Don't say that now."

"I do," Adelaide whispered, "I have for a while."

Harry took her in his arms, "I love you too."

"I know," Adelaide closed her eyes, "I know."

With a last breath, her smile remained. And Harry let out a cry, shaking her body, calling her name, hoping she'd get up. He stopped, looking at her face, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I love you, Adelaide Black."

He lay her on the floor and looked up, Bellatrix's smile lit up as she stood, brushing off the rubble, her laugh echoed the silent room. Harry immediately ran, ignoring Remus' pleas for him to stay, he only focused on Adelaide. And she had killed her.

me writing this :)

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