sixty nine

417 15 2

69 || funeral blues

A couple of days had passed since Adelaide arrived at the Nott Manor and she hadn't spoke to anyone apart from Theo.

Astoria had tried visiting once but Adelaide told Theo she didn't want to see her. So it was just the two best friends, alone.

"Adelaide?" Theo called out, "I've got a letter from Regulus."

The girl appeared, a tired appearance showing evidently, "What is it?"

"The funeral date," He said lowly, "Um, it's in three days."

Adelaide sighed, "You going?"

"If you do," Theo said, "No one else would really want me there."

He took her hand, "You don't have to go. No one would blame you."

"They would," She whispered, "I mean, everyone's going to be there. If I don't show what kind of daughter would I be?"

"A grieving daughter."

Adelaide smiled for the first time since she had arrived, though it wasn't like her usual smile, "I should probably go home. See Regulus. I can't imagine how he's feeling as well."

"I'll come with you if you want," Theo said.

"Thank you."

At one in the afternoon, Adelaide change into a fresh outfit after showering, she hadn't been motivated enough to do that for the past few days. When Theo came downstairs, they went to the floo.

"You ready?" He asked.

Adelaide shook her head, "Not at all. But I have to do this."

"Let's go then."

Quick enough, they arrived at Adelaide's childhood home. But to them, it was different. No longer would Marlene McKinnon appear with a smile on her face and a tray of some baked goods she'd made that morning. She wouldn't let them stay up until the early hours of the morning watching stupid romcoms with hot chocolate. She was gone.

"Who is it? I swear, if it's you Sirius I'm gonna-" Regulus froze, "Adelaide."

Adelaide stood still and silent.

"Where've you been? We were worried sick," he said, rushing over and hugging her.

"Sorry. I went to Theo's," Adelaide muttered and Regulus stood up straight looking to Theo.

"Are you alright Theo?" He asked, to which Theo responded with a nod. But Regulus could tell he was just putting on a strong front and embraced him too, "Thank you. You know, for taking care of her."

"That's alright Regulus," Theo said.

"Are you staying here now? Or are you going back with Theo?" Regulus asked.

"Um, we were wondering if it was okay for Theo to stay here too," Adelaide said, "No one's at his and I don't want him to be alone."

"Of course," Regulus smiled, "I'll put the kettle on. Two coffees, both black with one sugar."

He disappeared into the kitchen leaving Theo and Adelaide to go up to the girls room, "You know you're the best friend a person could ask for. Seriously, I think I would've done something I seriously regretted if you hadn't appeared that night."

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