thirty one

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WITH CHRISTMAS right around the corner, the panic for dates was growing immensely. For the most part, a lot of students had already found dates but then there were the stragglers.

"Adelaide! Adelaide!"

The blonde whipped her head around in her seat and made eye contact with a ginger and a brunette in the middle of the shelves. With a roll of her eyes, she begrudgingly stood and moved opposite them, "What? I'm trying to revise."

Ron looked to Harry and nodded eagerly, "Well, you see, for the ball, we have- we have no dates. Nil. Zoinc. Nul."

"And what do you want me to do about that?"

"You're like the most popular girl in school!" Ron exclaimed, "You could do anything and everything."

"I guess I could..." Adelaide hummed, "What's in it for me?"

Harry pondered for a second, "I will... do your homework until March."

The anticipation of wether the Slytherin would agree lasted for a while as Adelaide thought it through, she was going to do it without the homework but she really couldn't be bothered.

"I'll do it. I'll be in your common room at ten tonight, if you aren't there, the offer no longer stands."


AT TEN that evening, Adelaide sat on the red sofa with a coffee in her hand, she kept an eye on the ticking of the clock as she tapped along rhythmically.

"One minute late boys," She clicked as the two stumbled in, "Do I need to retract my end of the deal?"

"Nope!" Ron almost shouted, "We just got caught up helping Neville."

The only reason Adelaide let them off was because she loved Neville, "Alright! First, you should know this was ha- Are you going to sit or stand there like two fucking zombies? Thank you. Right, as I was saying, a lot of the girls have already found their dates so I asked around the houses. Padma and Parvati Patil. I'm telling you, if I wasn't going with Laurent the three of us would be having a blast at the ball." At the sight of the boys' stern looks she came back to topic, "Ask them out. They'll say yes."

Ron practically sprung out of his seat and crashed into the girl, "Thank you so much! You're the best!"

"Imagine you saying that a year ago. I think I'd go into cardiac arrest," Adelaide shrugged and picked up her book, "I'll see you guys tomorrow, we're hosting a small get together if you want to come, it'll be at the black lake at nine ish."

With a nod from the two boys, Adelaide set off out of the common room. She was ready to go to sleep after a day of running around for Harry and Ron, she wasn't lying when she said it was hard work. As she was about to turn the corner into the staircases, she heard familiar voices.

"We know Dumbledore, we were the ones who came to the decision, but now we're asking for your option on what to do."

"I can't tell you what to do with your child Ms McKinnon, but I can tell you that the truth is always revealed, it's only a matter of when."

Marlene sighed and Regulus scoffed, "Always a help like usual Dumbledore."

A faint slap on the arm sounded and Regulus gave Marlene an offended look, "All I'm going to say is that I know my niece, she's as much a daughter to me as a daughter of my own would be. She won't take it lightly, and there'll be consequences for all of us."

"That's the risk you should be willing to take Mr Black," Dumbledore said cooly, "Will she forgive you in the future or will she push you away forever? I'm afraid none of us can tell that."

Dumbledore's footsteps sounded in the distance and Adelaide was about to come out when she heard her mum speak again.

"We have to tell her," She muttered, "With the threats of Voldemort's returns who knows what will happen. He could wriggle his way into her mind like-"

"Like what he did with me," Regulus finished, "Except in his grasp, Adelaide could bring the end of the Wizarding World."


a/n: this is really short but oh well
i think the next chapter may be the yule ball and there we shall have some drama

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