thirty six

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36 || new years party

ALEX GROANED as she was forced out of bed by Astoria who was persistent on getting the girls ready. Adelaide was merlin knows where like usual, probably taking Blue to Hagrid's to chat or something along those lines.

"I swear Alex, if you don't get up right now I'm going to call Lila in," Astoria threatened and Alex peeked out over her bed sheets.

"Lila's probably asleep as well," she murmured, "Come on! It's New Year's eve, let a lesbian sleep."

"Exactly! It's New Year's eve and there's a party that our best friend has been organising so we have to be ready," Astoria continued.

Alex rolled her head over to Adelaide's alarm clock, "It's eight thirty. In the morning. The party's at nine in the evening."

"And what? You have to shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, probably go make out with Lila."

"For fucks sake! I'm up, now leave me alone," Alex complained as she swung her legs off the bed and Astoria gave a smug grin, "I'll be waiting downstairs."


DRESSES IN a mini black dress with her (very oversized) leather jacket topped over, Adelaide took a drag from her cigarette as she and Theo sat on the astronomy tower. Theo was dabbing a rather large gash on her forehead with a wet hand towel as a bottle of whiskey was placed next to them.

"Adelaide, you alright?" Theo asked, noticing her eyes drifting off into the distance, "You aren't gonna jump are you?"

"I'm not gonna jump, T." Adelaide stated, "I'm just thinking."


"How they've fucked it all up in the matter of a day."


Adelaide shimmied her black dress, that Mary had bought her, on and run her hands through her fresh curls. For a moment she stared at the leather jacket hanging in her wardrobe, she hadn't worn it much in the past year which she could put to finding out her father was innocent and that she'd been wearing his leather jacket since she was a baby.

"Wear it," Alex said, snapping the blonde from her thoughts, "It'll look good and badass."

Adelaide gave a snicker as she put on a pair of heels, "Why're you up here and not with your girlfriend?"

"She doesn't want to come into the Slytherin common room until people start to fill up," Alex answered, falling onto her back, "I totally understand, if these lot aren't scared of you then they're absolute dicks."

"Tell her she's welcome in our dorm anytime she wants," Adelaide smiled and grabbed her cousins hand, "C'mon, let's go and get drunk," Alex gave her a look, "Drunker."

The sound of terrible songs picked by Theo played down in the common room which was mixed with sweaty dancing teens who were drunk off their asses.

"My girl!" Theo cheered and pounced into Adelaide, "Try some of this fire whisky! Adrian mixed some things into it."

"Don't mind if I do," Adelaide shrugged and downed a cup, "Fuck me, that's amazing. Adrian! Get your ass over here."

Two hours in and Adelaide was dancing with some boy she hadn't yet learnt the name of as she watched Laurent flirt with a shy Ravenclaw. Funny he doesn't seem to broken up over Adelaide.

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