thirty two

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32 || ball preparation

SNOW WAS falling heavily on the grounds of Hogwarts leaving the students, the ones who weren't absolutely mental, to sit inside by the warm fires with their friends. The talk of the school was still the Yule Ball, with the date only a skip away everyone was buzzing and making final preparations.

"You still haven't told me who your date is- either of you," Adelaide pointed out as they picked a dress for Astoria, "Come to think of it, I don't know who anyones going with."

As Astoria threw one of the dresses onto her no-no pile on her bed, Alex sat up from her bored position, "I'm going with Lila Prittle, as friends. We met in the library at the start of the year."

Adelaide hummed in approval and looked at Astoria, "I have a feeling I know who you're going with but I don't want to say it out loud because it disgusts me."

The black haired spun around, glee beaming off her as she pranced around the dorm, "I quite like this dress, I think the blue really compliments my skin tone, plus daddy said it was the most expensive."

"Who cares which ones more expensive and which one matches your skin or whatever," The curly haired groaned, "See, I have it easy. Cissy sent me a nice black suit and I'm going to attempt to tame my hair for one night. You two have issues."

"I literally picked my dress out in the summer," Adelaide spoke up.

"And you've spent the past weeks stressing that Laurent won't match with you."

In the boys dorm, they were having the same issues, "Alright, Blaise you're taking Pansy. Draco you're going with Astoria. And me and Lucas are still single goers."

Draco lifted his head from the boredom he was in, "Why don't you two go with each other? It's obvious you like each other so just kiss and get it over with!"

Theo and Lucas awkwardly scratched the backs of their neck in sync and ignored Draco's comment, "How much do you reckon Filch is going with Mrs Norris?"

"Oh, ten thousand galleons!" Blaise exclaimed, "They're made for each other, but it would be beastiality."

"That's disgusting."


AFTER AN owl crashed through the window of their dorm and gave Adelaide a small note, she found herself waiting in the snow in Hogsmead for her Uncle. They still hadn't spoken since the Hospital Wing and as much as they were stubborn, they also wanted to put it past them.

"Hey Addiepop."

The blonde unwrapped her arms from her chest and smiled, "Hey No-Shag-Regulus."

Regulus didn't waste time in pulling his niece into a hug and despite the cold surrounding him, his heart had never been so warmed, "You feeling alright? No more nightmares? Taking your medication?"

Adelaide nodded, "It's all good. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's all good. Everything's forgiven."

"No, I have to apologise properly," Adelaide insisted, "Urm, I'm sorry for what I said. You raised me like your own and I love you. In my eyes, you're as much of a father as Sirius is."

"I guess I'm sorry too," Regulus started, "I thought that protecting you from the world would keep you as the same little girl who liked to chase
me around with a fake wand, but you're fifteen, you have a boyfriend and a life, and I know now that as much as you may want to I'll never stop annoying you to the ends of the Earth."

"That was beautiful, kinda sappy though," Adelaide laughed.

"Okay, no need to be rude," Regulus said with a grin, "I do have something to give you though, for the ball."

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