twenty four

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24 || chats and revelations

WHEN Adelaide woke up Sunday morning she was in a bliss mood. Laurent was still lay beside her, his arm draped around her waist and low snores escaping his mouth, she had to take a moment to realise this was actually happening.

Unlike Harry who woke feeling miserable from the previous nights events.

Adelaide escaped from Laurent's arm and put on some jeans and a black top for breakfast, Astoria and Alex had already left probably seeing that Laurent was staying over and not wanting to make the morning awkward.

Eventually Laurent had slowly got out of bed and went straight to Adelaide who was at her dressing table, "Hey love, nice sleep?"

"Surprisingly yes, but your snoring woke me up," She smirked, "Only joking, ready to go down for breakfast?"

The group were already sat at breakfast when Adelaide noticed Ron storm in and sit next to his brothers with an angry look on his face, "I'll be back in a jiff guys, gotta talk to the twins about a prank on Snape."

Ron's eyes widened as he noticed Adelaide walk toward him, "Oh merlin, hide me guys."

"What do you-" Fred started then realised, "Oh, hey Adds, what's up?"

"I just need to talk to your brother Freddie-boo, then we'll start the prank on Snape."

Adelaide slid into the seat next to the ginger and smiled, "Hey Ronniekins."

Ron couldn't lie, he didn't mind Adelaide anymore. After befriending Harry when they were both alone at Hogwarts and staying with Hermione during their arguement a he had actually grown to like her. To a certain point.

"What's up Adelaide?"

"How's Harry?"

Ron rolled his eyes, "Why don't you ask the liar himself?"

Adelaide was taken aback, Ron and Harry were best friends and while she wasn't best buddies with Ron she could also tell that he was a little jealous of Harry always being in the spotlight.

"I feel like you know he didn't put his name in so I'm going to keep this short and sweet Ron," Adelaide started, "You're Harry's best friend. You've stuck with him through the tough stuff and even though you hate the fact that he gets all the attention sometimes you still love him. Harry's your brother. I'm not saying that what you're doing is unacceptable, honestly, I've done a lot worse towards my friends, you deserve to feel angry at him. I'm always here if you need a chat Ron."

Ron looked genuinely shocked, the mean girl facade Adelaide constantly put up was down and he saw the real her. The Adelaide who cared for her friends.

"But if you tell anyone about this conversation I'll do what my dad couldn't and slit your throat in your sleep."

And she was back.

"Bye Ronnie."


APPARENTLY RON was not ready to forgive Harry as later that evening Harry and Adelaide sat next to each other with feet dangling off the ledge of the astronomy tower.

"He's a dick."

"He's your friend, Harry," Adelaide corrected, "I swear I've had like a million conversations about the same topic today."

Harry sighed and lay back on the floor, "I just don't get him. We've been best friends for three years, I thought he would've know that I absolutely hate the attention by now."

"He knows Harry, he's just jealous, and rightfully so, you shouldn't invalidate his feelings."

Adelaide honestly thought Harry was about to jump off the astronomy tower at this point and she would probably follow after him to be honest.

"How's things going with you and Laurent?"

The blonde threw a suspicious look at Harry, "It's going. We're taking it slow. I don't know- we're kids, it won't last."

"If you have that mindset then you'll never find love," Harry shrugged.

Adelaide had an issue with saying 'I love you'. She obviously said it to her friends but that was just casual. The only people she really loved were her mum, Regulus and Mary. They had been with her through thick and thin and she couldn't imagine life without them, and as much as Adelaide wanted to, she couldn't love her dad. And believe me, she really wanted to tell him.

"Laurent is my first relationship," Adelaide began cautiously, staring up at the stars, "I've never really liked anyone before. Like sure, I thought people were hot and I've kissed a load of people but after that I never really spoke to them again. But Laurent wasn't the first person I've proper liked."

Harry perked up at this, maybe it was him.

"It was second year and my friends and I were sat by the black lake doing homework. And I looked up to ask Theo something and for that split second, I caught Astoria's eye. It was only quick but enough for me to realise that maybe I liked her more than a friend. Liking her made me realise that I was definitely not straight. Like if I was a ruler I'd be a shitty one, like all bendy as fuck. But obviously I saw Astoria as a friend and that's all. Then she liked my cousin and I was glad as fuck I didn't like her anymore because anyone who thinks that ferret is hot needs their brain checking out."

"Well at least your first crush wasn't on a toy horse."

Adelaide stared at the boy before breaking into laughter, "Please- merlin please, tell me you're joking."

"Yes I'm joking, my first crush was on the old lady across the street."


ADELAIDE HAD gone to bed that night with a letter on her pillow. It couldn't have been Regulus or Marlene as they had sent one that morning and Mary and Remus weren't the most reliable when it came to letters.

Come to the Shrieking Shack next Saturday at 12pm. Bring Lucas.

"Who the fuck is Cassiopeia?"

Instead of waiting until the morning like any normal person, Adelaide decided to sneak into the boys dorms. None of the Slytherin prefects cared much about what the Slytherins did, only what the other houses did, so she was safe from them. She could only hope Snape wouldn't appear out of nowhere now.

Like usual, the boys dorms were a mess. Adelaide couldn't get one step without tripping over a shoe or a can of deodorant which smelt really bad. Lucas had the bed right at the end, far away from the door, to get to him, she had to go through Draco, Theo, and Blaise without catching sight of anything she didn't want to see.

"Hey Lucas, you up?"

"No, go away."

"You just spoke to me. Clearly you're awake."

"Fuck off Adelaide."

"Come on, it's only-" Adelaide glanced over at the click and put it face down, "-one in the morning."

"Exactly, piss off."

"Who's Cassiopeia?"

Lucas opened an eye and cocked his eyebrow, "Why do you want to know about my mum?"

"Your mum?!"

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