eighty two

275 8 0

82 || a gain from loss

"Alright. Hufflepuff today," Adrian said, sounding defeated, looking around the room at his team which had seriously been playing abysmally in recent practice, "We're going to get out there and kiss their fluffy little arses goodbye."

Adelaide looked to Theo, she didn't want to play with him, they were out of sync, not passing, not following, just playing free for all mostly. And it didn't help that they were surrounded by very unenthusiastic players.

The students were chanting loudly in the stands, calls for Hufflepuff and Slytherin, and for the first time, Adelaide really didn't want to play.

"And its Slytherin!" Lee boomed, "Captain and chaser, Adrian Pucey, his fellow chasers, Black and Nott. Seeker, Malfoy. Keeper, Bletchley. And beaters, Crabbe and Goyle. I can't be the only one who sees their lack of determination."

Adrian shook the Hufflepuff captains' hand, and they were in the air.

"We have grown used to a team play in our Slytherin chasers, however it seems there is tension in the air," Lee said, "Black strikes down the pitch, lonesome in her journey. Nott and Pucey behind, having a- a chat?"

Adelaide blocked the noise out, she could do solo goals, she had done it before. It was just something off, possibly the lack of support from Theo.

"Black takes aim and- Oh! She misses," Lee shouted.

Adelaide had really missed, like the ball went straight over the hoop.

"Focus Black!" Adrian said, "That should've been a simple goal."

With a roll of her eyes, Adelaide continued the match as Hufflepuff held possession, "That's ten points to Hufflepuff."

Adelaide snatched up the Quaffle, avoiding the bludgers and the opposing chasers, then she noticed Theo close behind her, "Back off Nott. I have this."

"No, you don't. Give it to me, I'll score."

Adelaide huffed, and in her moment of annoyance, a Hufflepuff chaser knocked her slightly, causing the Quaffle to drop, "Look. Just fuck off."

Theo flailed his arms, "Stop blaming me. It's your fault."

"Pucey seems to have called for his time out only five minutes in, we can only hope he can sort out his team or this will be a short match."

The Slytherin team landed in a group and Pucey immediately stormed up to his chasers, "I know you two are having your differences at the moment, and whilst I would love to give you this time to work it out, we are in the middle of our last game, my last game."

"Tell him to back off," Adelaide snapped, jabbing her finger at Theo, "You're too close, if I need you, I'll throw it to you."

Theo laughed ironically, "Stop acting all high and mighty, you should've scored that first goal, maybe you should leave it to me, with my actual talent."

The boy had really developed the skill of getting on her nerves recently, and this pushed a button in Adelaide as she lunged at him.

"Woah! Slytherin seems to be in a conflict down there," Lee said, "Um- I've actually never seen fighting within a team before, so this is new."

Adrian grabbed Adelaide, holding her back, "One more mishap and I swear I will make sure that neither of you are in the team next year. Do you understand?" Adrian shouted, "I said, do you understand?"

"Yes," The two muttered.

"Good. Now get back up there and score some fucking goals."

"We're back," Lee announced, "Will Slytherin overcome their differences or is this going to be painful to watch?"

Adelaide sent Theo a nod, telling him, let's get this over with.

Resuming from Hufflepuff's play, the two immediately flew over to the chaser, encasing him on both sides as they barged into him, when he finally dropped the Quaffle, Adrian collected it and sped down the pitch, Adelaide and Theo following suit.

"Pucey with the Quaffle, he passes it to Theo who avoids a bludger and Black is positioned nicely at the goals, a pass to Black and- Slytherin goal! That's ten to Slytherin, equalising the score."

Adelaide smiled widely, flying over to Theo and giving him a high five before realising they were supposed to be arguing, "See? That's talent."

Their plays continued, Slytherin scoring more goals as Hufflepuff seemed to be on the losing side.

"Slytherin has their mojo back," Lee said, "Making the score, 90-20, will Slytherin win the Quidditch cup this year?"

In the midst of a play, Hufflepuff's seeker spotted the Snitch and sped toward it, Draco hot on his tail, "Now is the battle of the seekers. Whoever gets this, will win the match."

The rest of the team continued playing, scoring another goal, making the points 100, but they knew if Hufflepuff caught the snitch they would still be out of the win.

"They close in on it, both neck to neck," Lee commentated, "Malfoy's down! And Hufflepuff gets the snitch! And Slytherin is out of the title."

Adelaide dropped to the ground, sitting with her head in her hands. She knew it wasn't her fault they'd lost, that's stupid to say in a team sport, but at the same time, she could've done better.

So, while the Hufflepuff's celebrated on the pitch, Slytherin remained downcast. Draco was still lay next to his broom, his hands over his face as he soaked in his own disappointment. Adrian was stood silent, not making a move, just staring at the goals.

Theo looked to his friend and put a hand on Adelaide's shoulder, "Hey, we did good," He said, offering a hand, "You did good."

Adelaide accepted it, treating it as a peace offering of some sorts, and when she latched onto his hand, he pulled her into his embrace, putting his head on her shoulder, "I am sorry, you know? I didn't-"

"We can discuss apologies tomorrow," Adelaide said, "Today I just want to sit down with my team."

Adrian approached the two with a weak smile, "My amazing chasers. We may not have won, but we didn't go down without a fight. Thank you for making my captaincy the best year of my life."

"Come here Captain," Adelaide laughed, pulling his arm to bring him into their hug, "Next year is going to be so weird without you."

A flash blinded their eyes and Colin Creevey stood with his camera, "You guys are my second favourite chasers by the way."

Before the boy could run away, Adelaide called him back, "Hey Creevey, how about a team photo?"

She stood over Draco who was still lay down, "Come on you big baby," She sighed, yanking him off the ground, "It's photo time."

"We lost."

"No shit," Adelaide scoffed, "But, its Adrian's last match so let's make losing look great."

Colin positioned the seven into a group and stood with him camera, "Alright, everyone ready?"

"Take it Colin quick!" Adelaide said, feeling Draco was going to run away from this team spirit.

"On three. One, two, Slytherin!"


i love adrian, theo and adelaide
as a chaser trio, like they're just
so good.

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