eighty one

272 11 0

81 || letters

Fred and George Weasley had become legends at Hogwarts, for days after no one could stop talking about it, admiring their flee from Umbridge and wanting to commit the same thing. They had also left their memory at the school, given the swamps were still intact and none of the teachers wanted to deal with them.

A great number of students wanted to take over the mantle of troublemakers, however, that gracefully landed to the daughter of retired mischief maker, Sirius Black, and Fred and George's right hand, Lee Jordan.

"Hair changing is too boring," Adelaide said, plotting with Lee in the library, they were both supposed to be revising for their important exams, but this took precedence, "We leave Dungbombs wherever Umbridge is, so discreet that she can't see them, but they go off. She'll go mental trying to figure out where the horrendous smell is coming from."

Lee grinned widely, "Why didn't we recruit you sooner?"

"I was booked and busy, Jordan, besides you couldn't afford my talents," Adelaide joked.

One of the final Hogsmead trips of the year were coming up and the students were more than happy to escape the castle away from Umbridge.

"Ads, you have post," Blaise said, the morning before the trip. This left the girl wondering. None of the Order were communicating via letters due to the fact it was too dangerous, and Adelaide didn't know anyone outside the Order who would write to her.

Cautiously, she peeled the envelope the letter subsided in, last time she received a letter it was a warning that she was still yet to decipher.

Adelaide Black,

My name is Alexis Lore, you may or may not be aware of me. If you are, I believe you have been told I am dead. Fact of the matter is, I'm not.

I can't write much in a letter given the current circumstances at Hogwarts, but I would love to meet you in Hogsmead, I am told you have a trip coming up. If you are willing to meet me, I'll be in the Three Broomsticks at twelve.


Adelaide took in a breath. She had been told Alexis was dead, this was either a lie or her family truly believed it.

"Who is it?" Blaise asked.

"Just some subscription letter that Reg signed me up for," Adelaide lied quickly, "Tomorrow, I have to go get something, so I'll be gone for an hour, is that alright?"

"Yeah, I'll just go with the others and meet you after," he said, spooning his porridge.

She was left thinking now, was it a mistake? Meeting someone who she's only heard of through stories in the current climate of the world. Especially without anyone knowing. But then again, her whole life things had been hidden from her, twisted into lies, and now Adelaide might finally get some truth.

When morning the next day broke, Adelaide was one of the first on the carriages down to Hogsmead, she actually did have to get some things so she thought she might as well do that first.


Theo was stood on the road, by himself staring at her, "Where are you going?'

"None of your business."

He sighed, "Look, we're not speaking right now but you shouldn't be alone."

Adelaide gestured to him dramatically, "You're alone too."

"It's different."

"Theo, I don't care." Adelaide stated, "I'm just trying to get some shopping done, so either stay out of my way, or I'll make you."

He moved to the side, allowing her to pass, "Just remember, I'm still here for you."

"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that," Adelaide shouted, "You're a lying, conniving bastard who betrays people and leaves them. I couldn't agree more."

Now Theo understood why he never got on her bad side before.

The time was 11:50. Adelaide stood outside the Three Broomsticks, her hands on her hips, debating whether or not it was a good idea.

"Ah, fuck it," She muttered, pushing aside all rational thoughts and entering the pub. It was littered with witches and wizards, some older and some students. And Adelaide realised she had no idea how she was going to find Alexis in the crowd.

"Miss Black," The barmaid said, "You'll find your friend in the corner table."

Adelaide frowned, "Uh, thanks?"

The woman gave a nod and looked to the intended table. A woman with blonde hair sat facing the wall, "Alexis Lore?"

She turned around quickly, a bright smile on her face, "Adelaide. My, how you've grown. You were but yay high when I last saw you."

"Hi," Adelaide said awkwardly.

"Take a seat, I got you a butterbeer," Alexis said, and Adelaide sat opposite, not sure on what she should say.

"So... you're my mother," Adelaide stated, thought she herself wasn't sure if it was intended as a question or statement.

The older woman nodded, "Yes, I am. Though, I promise I'm not intending to replace Marlene, she was such a wonderful woman, and I am so grateful that she raised you when I couldn't. May she rest in peace." They fell into a silence, when Adelaide had pictured this meeting in the day prior, this was not how she expected it to go, "I'm assuming you'll want the full story, huh?"

"Yeah, it's all a bit confusing honestly," Adelaide replied.

Alexis agreed, "Well, I met your father in Hogwarts. I never intended for our relationship to go anywhere but then I ended up pregnant, with you. For a while, I was lost. We were at war, and everyone knew that a war was no place for a baby. But ultimately, I decided to keep you. When you were born, that was the happiest day of my life. This little bundle of joy that screamed everyone's ears off when she arrived in the world. You were named Adelaide after my grandmother, one of the most honest people with the kindest soul, something that you possess too. I didn't plan to fight, that was your father's battle. But when the war hit home, I had to. I left you with Regulus that day, and unfortunately, I never saw you after. When my family was attacked, I was too, I was injured badly. No one was around to save me, until someone came to my rescue. He took me to America, and since then we have lived in hiding. I tried so hard to come back to you, but I knew it would only put you in danger."

"Why are you back now then?"

She sighed, "Because grief and suffering have struck again, and your identity has already placed a target on your back, Adelaide. The least I can do is protect you as much as I can."

Adelaide slowly breathed, "This is all crazy."

"I know."

"I mean, in the summer, you were dead. I grieved a mother I never met. And now? You're here sat in front of me," Adelaide said, "I'm just overwhelmed."

"It's a lot of information to process," Alexis said, "But I just want to help you, and maybe get to know you better. Like, tell me about your friends."

Adelaide gave a laugh, "We're in a bit of a disagreement currently. Just clashing views, we'll get over it soon, I just like holding grudges."

"Forgive but don't forget. That's the rule I go by," Alexis stated, "And relationships? Any boyfriends?"

"Maybe it's a girlfriend," Adelaide said.

"Any girlfriends then?"

"No, just this boy. Though we haven't put a label on it yet," Adelaide explained.

The pair spent an hour talking, mostly about Adelaide's life, then about Alexis' time in America, and before they knew it, Adelaide had to leave.

"It was lovely meeting you," Alexis said, walking her out of the pub, "Maybe in the summer you can come and visit me. A dinner?"

"That would be amazing."

And so, Adelaide left, opening a new chapter to her unfinished story. Though maybe she should have finished her previous chapters first.

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