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7 || actual emotions

THE SCHOOL talked of nothing but Sirius Black for the next few days. The theories of how he had entered the castle became wilder and wilder. Yet the most popular one seemed to be Adelaide letting him in.

Not that this bothered her, she knew it wasn't true, her friends knew it wasn't true, and the Professors knew it wasn't true. That didn't stop the odd looks though.

Adelaide and Harry were now being watched seemingly every second of the day, teachers found excuses to walk along the corridors with them and Adelaide's friends were tailing her everywhere, most likely acting on Dumbledores orders.

However the first Quidditch match was coming up and Slytherin was going to be playing Gryffindor. Key word, was. Flint had gone to see Wood and tell him that Draco was unable to play due to a tiny ickle scratch on his arm.

"What the hell Flint! You know how much I've been looking forward to this match!" Adelaide shouted as she entered the common room.

Heads turned their way to see what the commotion was about.

"Calm down Adelaide. Draco's arm-"

"Is fine! It's bloody fine. Oi, Draco. Catch." Adelaide threw a pillow at Draco who caught it with his 'injured' arm, "Bloody fine. You're such a wuss Flint. So what if the weathers a little windy?"

"It's my decision as this teams captain. If you want to challenge that take it up with Snape, otherwise run back to your stupid friends." Flint said, still not looking up from his essay he was currently writing.

"You're right. I'm sorry Marcus. I shouldn't have questioned your decision." Adelaide said and everyone in the room was looking confused, since when did Adelaide apologise. Since never, Adelaide grabbed his almost finished essay and threw it into the fire place, "Oh no. Guess you better get working Flint, wouldn't want a detention with McGonagall would you? See you never, captain." She went to salute but flipped him off instead with a smirk.

"You little bitch." Flint practically screeched, Adrian and Cassius had to him him back from attacking her, "You better watch your back Black. You have no idea what's coming."

Adelaide walked out of the common room with all eyes on her and she knew it. She was one bad ass bitch.


THE DAY before the match, the one Adelaide would no longer be playing, Adelaide's worst fear came true.

Professor Snape was teaching her Defence Against the Dark Arts.

And just as she had started going to the lesson again.

"I am so sorry Professor, I tripped on my lace- Snippy?" Adelaide looked at him in shock whilst he gave her a look of disgust.

"Three minutes late Miss Black. Ten points from Slytherin." Snape drawled.

That's literally your own house.

"It's McKinnon-Black sir. But I understand you can't remember much in your pea size brain."

"Would you like me to take away more points?"

"I don't know Snip, it's your own house. Do you want to lose the house cup again?" Adelaide grinned and sat down.

Seven minutes later Harry came in looking out of breath, "Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin I-"

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