twenty eight

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THE START of December brought wind and sleet to Hogwarts, meaning Adelaide looked manic wearing sunglasses inside now. During her and Theo's free period, where everyone else had Care of Magic Creatures, they ended up searching the library for answers on Adelaide's other half.

"You don't even remember how it got there?"

Adelaide banged her head on the table, feeling as though they'd gone through this million times in the past half hour, "No. I woke up and the voice was there. Mum or Reg must've done something, like obliviated me or something."

"And you've never asked them?" Theo pressed.

"No, I figured they did it for a good reason, and anyway, when the voice got too much they got me medication and it calmed it," The blonde said, taking out a bottle of pills from her bag, "I normally don't take them though, they make me drowsy and I can't play quidditch on them. It's probably why they haven't been present much this year, I've been high and started taking them."

"It just doesn't make sense-" Theo grumbled, "Why would they not tell you something as serious as this?"

Adelaide was seriously regretting telling him, she's only glad that Astoria doesn't know because that secret would around school like a wildfire.

"Alright!" Adelaide said suddenly, "We've got divination and Trelawney seriously thinks I'm gifted."


ADELAIDE laughed as a white ferret flew across the Common Room back and forth, "Are you ready to apologise, Draco?"

The ferret dropped to the floor and scurried at her feet, "That's good." Adelaide swished her wand and Draco appeared with disheveled hair and a panicked look on his face, "How many times are you going to do that?"

"Until you admit I win, now pay me my money Ferret," Adelaide demanded and snatched the monopoly money from Draco's grip, "Great, Tori! Your go."

"Merlin," Astoria muttered, "I do not want to land on your property."

The group of eight were sat i front of the roaring fire, Lucas had decided to introduce them to monopoly but apparently that wasn't a good idea.

"Damn you Luc!" Theo shouted after two hours, "You've made Nova into a money monster."

"It's not my fault your shit at this game T!" Adelaide yelled back, a couple of first years scurried away at this point, "Cousin dearest, mind telling him to shut up."

Lucas looked at her wide eyed, "Me? Why me? I don't know what you're on about?"

"Oh hush it Lucas," Blaise began, "We know. All of us know."

"Oh no! My- My dad has just walked through the door after leaving me, I must go and reunite with him," Lucas stammered and practically ran to the hallways.

Theo glanced at his empty spot, "So, are we continuing?"

"Hell yeah!"

Later that evening, Adelaide was lay next to Astoria smoking a joint, "I'm not saying that you should get over him, but Tori, he's a literal ferret. Like seriously, you have no taste."

"I have taste!" Astoria said, offended by the comment.

"Oh yeah? Who have you liked beside Draco then?"

Astoria began listing, "Robert, Duncan, Walter, Marianne, Liza, William, Pete, Vic, you, Adam-"

"Hold up- you had a crush on me?" Adelaide said, stunned, "I had a crush on you!"

"Ah, twinning!" Astoria high fives her best friend, who she now saw as a sister and nothing more, "Anyways, the list goes on, Draco is just so nice and gentle."

"He shoved you to the floor like an hour ago because he didn't want to be on the same property as you," Adelaide deadpanned.

"Okay, he has his faults-"

"I have my faults, Draco is a twat who takes after his father."

Astoria groaned and flipped so she was facing Adelaide, "You didn't see what he did last year though. On Valentine's day, we were both alone doing homework in the library so he offered to take me out. We went to the three broomsticks and had a really good time. I think I love him, he's just such a douche."

"Goal for the new year, find you a partner who isn't a dickhead."


"NOTT AND Black! Would you mind paying attention instead of braiding Lestrange's hair?" Snape's snarled from the middle of the empty potions classroom. He had called them all for a house meeting but was yet to start it, "Now that you have grown up, I'll begin."

"As many of you know, as part of the Triwizard Tournament, it is tradition for there to be a christmas ball, the Yule ball," whispers erupted and a few of the girls had already began batting their eyes at their crush while the boys flexed their muscles and clenched their jaws, pathetically, "I expect everyone to dance up to the standards a pureblood family would expect, if you are not familiar with dancing for a particular reason please speak to the prefects. That will be all. Good bye."

Snape swished his long cloak and was out of the room as soon as possible, while everyone else filed out speaking to their friends, "Theo! This will be perfect, ask Lucas to the ball." Adelaide whispered, "It'll be like a love story."

"Piss of Nova," Theo nudged her side, "He's probably going to go with one of his French friends."

"Mhm," The blonde hummed and took Alex's hand when she walked past, "Hey Lex, how much are you willing to be that Lucas will ask Theo out?"

Alex didn't even think, "Ten galleons. It's going to happen."

"And I bet ten galleons that T will ask Luc out," Adelaide said, "You better ask him out now or I'll be loosing ten galleons."

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