seventy one

405 14 1

71 || say my goodbyes

Time flew in her grief and before Adelaide knew it, she was packing her bags for Hogwarts. Theo had returned to his own home to see his father before he left for school and Regulus remained ever so tightly glued to Adelaide's side for the fear that she was going to break into a million pieces.

"Sirius is coming round this evening by the way," Regulus said while they were eating lunch, "Dumbledore allowed him to leave Grimmauld Place although I'm sure that's only because he doesn't want you to see the Order."

Adelaide shrugged, "Makes sense." She dropped her fork on the table, "Mum usually gets my meds. I need a refill for school."

"Oh shit," He cursed, the medication completely slipping from his mind, "I'll go after lunch."

Once the two had washed up from lunch, Regulus left for the hospital and Adelaide continued her packing, having to retrieve a few items from the wash. It was then it first happened. Like a flash of memories hitting her like a wave. Images. Distorted so Adelaide couldn't make out what they were. She only heard sounds. A manic laugh. A scream of pain. Then silence. And when she came out of it, Adelaide collapsed to the floor holding her head.

Since she was a child, she had been taking medication which supposedly suppressed the nightmares, but she had never gotten them while she was conscious. This was new.

"Alright. They said they would send refills to your therapist when you need them," Regulus shouted out as he returned, "Adelaide? You okay?"

Adelaide brushed off the fear and shock, "Yeah. I'm just getting my washing."

"Okay. Good," She heard Regulus say, "I'll leave them on the counter for you. I'm gonna go for a shower."

The incident hadn't stopped playing on Adelaide's mind for the rest of the afternoon, so when night fell and Sirius arrived at the house, Adelaide wasn't in the best shape for his incessant smothering.

"The Order isn't angry at you for what you said," Sirius began, "They're more worried about you Adelaide. Most of them know what grief does to a person."

Adelaide frowned, "I wasn't speaking out of grief for mum. I was speaking out of honesty dad. They deserve to know the truth about him."

"I know that you don't have the fondest of feelings for Dum-"

"I hate him." Adelaide stated, "I hate him for what he's done and what he hasn't done."

Sirius sighed, "I know. I know Adelaide."

Adelaide smiled softly, "Can we not talk about this then? Any plans for when everyone returns to Hogwarts? I bet the house will be quiet."

"You're being mean today. You know full well that I have no plans and I wont until the Ministry will clear my name which could take years at this point."

"They just have to get Pettigrew and then it'll be clear that you didn't kill him which will clear you of the other offences as well," Adelaide said, "I'll be backing you every step of the way."

Sirius held her shoulder, "I know you will. You're my little girl after all- well not so little anymore."

He recounted all the moments he missed just because he couldn't stop himself from seeking revenge and the moments he would have are clouded by the thoughts of the war. It was unfair to both of them.

"I won't be at the station tomorrow. I have to stay at Grimmauld Place," Sirius said, "But I'll see you again at the end of the year."

Adelaide nodded, "I might actually miss you."

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